
Nobody at all said people shouldn’t condemn racism. In fact, the OP said people should condemn it.

Sorry, but you’re full of shit. There are people out there who voted for Trump solely on the idea of getting rid of corruption in government, or for trade issues, etc. I happen to believe they were misled, but they had a right to vote for the candidate they felt would be best for this country. No one has an

as a white male Clinton supporter “fuck off, you racist/sexist piece of shit”

Fuck that, I’m a white man and a huge Hillary supporter. Don’t stoop to that level, it makes you as bad as Trump.

Guys, are you kidding me with this? Trader Joes is consistently rated one of the best places to work. Furthermore, I appreciate it when people are pleasant at stores. I myself work in customer service and guess what? I put a smile on my face. I also like people. So maybe, if you don’t like people don’t work in

I don’t think I’ve ever used the words “guess this case is closed!” and I have at least tried not to use (and have even very recently argued against) the “look at what X did” argument, as I think it’s very weak/Trumpian. So if I have at all communicated that, I certainly haven’t meant to. But none of us are perfect,

If you agree to have Gloria Allred or her daughter represent you, you kiss off any kernel of legitimacy when you agree to her soap opera level press conferences. For all her fame, she has a piss poor track record of winning for her clients.

Unsolved Mysteries scared the shit out of my sister and myself. If we weren’t going to be haunted, possessed, cursed, or abducted by aliens then we were just going to be abducted.

I can already see where this is going to go wrong (other than the pitch meeting where someone greenlit a Heathers TV reboot). The Heathers were caricatures of weird, wealthy, and white elites, who were nasty and capricious for no good goddamned reason other than other people weren’t as wealthy or white as them. You

SERIOUSLY. By making the movie’s outsiders the Mean Girls, they’re no longer outsiders, and it’s impossible to root for them because they’re the Mean Girls, so... we’re left with conventionally attractive, heteronormative, and socially adept people to root for? WAITAMINNIT.

Try harder:

Can I just rant for a second?!?

He is not a monster, just a man that really screwed up and has been paying in many ways.”

It’s incredibly boring because it’s so producer driven now. This show couldn’t go on forever in its little “unscripted” bubble, but how scripted it is is painfully apparent now. I’m glad the cast off people found love and aren’t being meddled with by the MAFS “experts.” I think Nick and Sonia will vote to stay

I’m dressing up as Rey. I’m waiting for the costume and everything to come in. I’m trying to figure out how to do my hair.

A million times this.

Can I please have some of your weed?

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

I generally agree. But the weird thing is the other law suit claimed he had cameras on her place (but didn’t react to her not being out for a day or so) and he didn’t dispute that part of it.

still not smoking, despite a stressful week and some bad cravings this week. 5 months!