Oh hey look, another alt-right troll using BAA as the new Vivian James for your hate boner towards Captian Marvel
Oh hey look, another alt-right troll using BAA as the new Vivian James for your hate boner towards Captian Marvel
This reminds me of a story an old boss told me about a mine he had worked in in Poland. He was an electrician, and they had a rail car system that had a 10,000 volt or something third rail like a subway does. There was a blacksmith on site who used to show how he could place his hands on the live rail and not be…
i’ve long found all of youtube’s content for kids as entirely problematic, right down to the never ending playlist nature of the platform itself.
Has anyone experienced an internship that actually met the requirements for an unpaid intern? I did two internships in college (one unpaid and one paid) and supervised interns in two separate jobs (one with unpaid interns and one with paid interns). In each one of those, interns were expected to add value and…
It’s brief. But effective.
And yeah, I hope he does. I don’t care about his stand-up anymore, but if, after watching the video, this is still the anti-PC police hill he tries to die on, I hope he does.
It’s not just you. I rewatched it the other day and it just doesn’t hold up.
No thanks
Can’t wait for Kids Bop 69.
Easy. Whichever one has Toby Jones as the narrator is clearly the lesser of the two.
Wait, does Stephen Dorff’s character resemble Matt Damon playing Jim Rockford? I’m not clear on that point.
“Even more jarring is a segment where Bella ends up living with a homeless veteran for several months, then nearly dies of dehydration while chained to his lifeless corpse after he dies in his sleep at their campsite.”
Wut.... is this the dog version of Gerald’s Game?
Looks like you accidentally omitted the name of the executive producer in the first graf. I figured out from later references that it was Dream Hampton, but you might want to fix that anyway. It was a little confusing.
There’s always something to love in any movie. For instance, I met the set designer of Sharknado on a plane once. I didn’t make it through the movie, but I do remember there was a scene where Tara Reid’s house flooded; that must have been hard to do, making a waterproof set like that, so I was impressed and…
Everybody knows Sherlock Holmes is a very intelligent character. What this film presupposes is... maybe he isn’t?
Just wait until he releases a Special Edition with lots of CGI. And has Biff punch first, because George McFly is a hero and would never hit first.
“He should be livestreaming from the Oval Office,” McConney said.
“The moment I found out Trump could tweet himself was comparable to the moment in ‘Jurassic Park’ when Dr. Grant realized that velociraptors could open doors,” recalled McConney, who was the Trump Organization’s director of social media from 2011 to 2017. “I was like, ‘Oh no.””
I talked the walk 2018