I actually thought "Prince of Persia" was goofy fun, but I was seeing it for review at a time when everything I saw was awful, so I could have been grading on a curve.
I actually thought "Prince of Persia" was goofy fun, but I was seeing it for review at a time when everything I saw was awful, so I could have been grading on a curve.
I gave up on DLM almost two years ago, I think, because it was already beginning to feel like Doug was starting to check out. Also, not all of the new games were winners, and even the LMG was starting to get a little too complex. It's not easy to do a podcast for as long as Doug has been doing that one, and so that…
I host karaoke at a local bar, and I've come to really appreciate the terror in people's eyes when they've chosen "Hey Jude," only to realize onstage that a full 3 1/2 minutes of it is "na na's." Even if the rest of the bar joins in with those, they peter out pretty quickly.
This comment got my hopes up that Of Montreal's "It's Different For Girls" was indeed the Joe Jackson cover I so hoped it would be.
"Well, I had to stop her *screaming*."
Yeah, looking it up, there's nothing after 2014. Just stories of him saying he was raped, and think pieces after the fact chastising people for making fun of it. I just have to think that he's way more damaged than we like to think.
Yeah, I mean, I don't feel one way or another about the guy, but didn't he say that he got raped when he did that art project where he sat in a room and let anyone do anything to him? Regardless of whether or not it happened (never saw any follow-up), it seems like the guy has little care for his safety.
I LOVE "Grand Canyon." This article has inspired me to back through the album (which I discovered through my first girlfriend, so it'll always have a special place in my heart), and that song is great.
"Papa Was a Rodeo" is one of many songs on the album that feels like a classic, and one that any one of several icons could have performed back in the day. I'd say it's also the best of them.
Oh god, my heart. That hit pretty close to home.
"I'm Ray Barboni! From Miami!"
Kumail's line delivery on that was perfect.
You've written his name a million times and literally never once spelled it right. Some care with your trolling, please.
That's the one. I thought medical facility because I didn't think hotels loaned out movies like that. Anyway, that's an enviable amount of power you have to influence people's tastes.
Do you work in a medical facility, by any chance? I sold my body to science several years ago, and my only fond memories of that time were the movies I checked out (particularly "The Matador," which remains underappreciated).
I'm going to go ahead and stump for "Our Debut Album," the new monthly podcast from Dave Shumka and Graham Clark of "Stop Podcasting Yourself." The two comedians give themselves one hour to write and compose a hit song, which they then produce and release on Bandcamp. Without giving anything away, their first song,…
Alright, I'll play your pun game. I won't let you have a monopoly on this thread.
That's the one that got me listening, because someone on Podmass quoted the exchange between Frank Miller and Troy Duffy being forced to have sex with each other, and it was hilarious. They were firing on all cylinders that episode.
You're exactly right. I remember the Leavenworth 10 when I was coming back. I think they're selling sheds, if memory serves.