Fritz Zwicky

You know the place I'm talking about! I don't even remember what the place was selling, but mattresses felt right to me. And I'm sure I cleaned up what the sign said, but it was super jarring to see that so blatantly put out there on something that wasn't even a church (though that would've also been weird).

Yep, these are the three episodes that I would suggest to get someone into the podcast, which I've more successfully done for than any other podcast I listen to. Maybe these three and the dolphin and Rainbow Man.

I recently went on a trip to a farm near the Oregon border, and on the way saw a sign at some mattress place that read: "IF HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN THERE, WOULD HILLARY HAVE LET BENGHAZI HAPPEN?"

She was there for her dad in the aftermath of him coming out of the closet, even going in his stead when he left his wallet at a stranger's house.

Like a lot of people who came here after seeing the F grade, I have not seen this show. But, after reading the review, euphemisms about getting "thrown under the bus" and "falling on your sword" sound like they might actually be plot points in this apparently very silly show.

I was alerted, via the Facebook trending sidebar, that reviews were already popping up on Twitter after the Monday premier. They were all glowingly positive and too elegantly worded. It struck me as a laughably transparent attempt from the marketers to get good word out from "normal folks" before the embargo could get

I know. Love that movie.


Chuck's lawyer joke was better than all of Jimmy's. That's how shitty Chuck is at telling a joke.

Eh, depending on how messy the pizza is, I'll do that sometimes. Eating in public can freak me out. But also, that guy is so obsessed with being from New York and with getting good publicity photos that I'd think he would shy away from that behavior.

And we don't use pens anymore. Killing someone with a laptop is possible but sloppy. Definitely opt for the sword if you have the choice.

Are you talking about feces hitting a fan? Vulgar, sir. Apologize to my wife.

I've always been a fan of this one.

The reviewer says that D.J. Tanner is put out by Stephanie calling herself DJ Tanner, but the person who really should be put out is the actual DJ Tanner, a real DJ that exists that I've known about for years. He's the genius that jumped on that name. Not that anyone's gonna watch this show and think he stole the

I'm a day late with this, but the last Polite Fight video focused on colors, so I thought I'd leave this here: What's the deal with the motif this season of bright reds and yellows? With the idiot drug dealer's car and sneakers last week, and with Kim's gift to Jimmy this week? That yellow mug with the bright red

And did you hear that Billy Shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of sonnets?

This one's my absolute favorite.

The original "Cabin Fever" ended with a joke that was a call-back to an earlier instance of someone saying the N-word. It may as well have zoomed in on Porky Pig saying, "That's all, folks!"

Wow, yeah, if anyone could say what Travis Z posted, I'd be fascinated. What a bizarre thing to do, if he's actually the director.

SHE PROBABLY COULD'VE SPELLED IT IF HE HADN'T FUCKED HER UP! It's easy enough in writing out a word to get lost in thought and skip to the end of the word, let alone when you're being forced to recite it in front of an audience and your bickering parents. I would've fucking lost it if my dad pulled that shit and then