Fritz Zwicky

That's really nice to hear. Thanks.

One night, after a bit of drinking, I decided to look up the James Foley decapitation video. After finding it, I watched the whole introduction where Foley is made to read a script written by ISIS about why he is being killed, and how America is at fault. Before the killing could happen, I shut it off. I was, and

I think it's worth watching just to see, sure. I just found it completely unnecessary, and I didn't really like the game of one-upmanship I felt Spike Lee playing. But the performances are good and it looks nice.

I honestly hope he addresses that in his monologue. It really bummed me out that SNL decided to take the wind out of the sails of what that activist was trying to do, and it was worse that they got Larry David to do it. Because, in my heart, I KNOW that David really does think Trump's a racist, but was made to say

You've heard wrong, I'm sorry to say. I spent a couple years trying in vain to get my friends to see "Oldboy," and none of them would. So I have a weird, vested interest in that movie. Spike Lee's version made me mad. Ratcheting up the violence for no reason other than to show off, and changing a pivotal plot point

I joined AST a couple years ago when it was already in the process of slowing down, but it was still a great place to lurk and sometimes comment about comedy and other things. There was a very helpful thread devoted to depression that helped me through some things. And, even though I wasn't as frequent a poster, and

*just watches from around the corner to see how this shakes out*

In performance and everything else. So disappointing.

"Spotlight" was unfortunately mediocre, and Mark Ruffalo's performance (which everyone praises) was full of distracting tics. This whole cast was wasted, except for Liev Schreiber, who did a good job of a boring person who's good at his work. Here, whereas usually Tom McCarthy makes the best of his cast, he gave us

I had the same problem with The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes. (Before seeing it spelled out, having just heard the title, I interpreted "wore" as "war," which just confused matters further.)

You drive a hard bargain.

Haha! Weirdly specific David Gordon Green dig!

She's in there for maybe 30 seconds.

God, you guys are making me want to rewatch "Duck Soup."

I got your upvote, bro.

God, I remember that segment way too well. I was relieved that it seemed so fake, because all of the Real Sex proved quite off-putting.

That was for sure the season that I directed my friend to to get her into the show. That moment is so overboard and weird. And Marcel has STILL not won a single prize at any point in his participation with any of Top Chef's incarnations. I almost feel bad for the twerp.

The Flophouse, perchance?

He has never made any mention of himself being a Native American. All the other characters have done that for him. As he says, the men in his platoon would say to send the Indian in to do the dirty work. I don't think the show is making him a magical Indian so much as he happens to be very good at his job, and all the

I feel like Hank summed up what had happened, realized that Peggy was loony, saw the missing cars, and just figured that saving his son-in-law from a barrage of bullets was more worth his time than searching for her.