Fritz Zwicky

Second "Rocky" reference this season!

Which reminds me: is this the first episode of the season to not feature an allusion to UFO's?

I thought Bradley Cooper was already Hollywood's idea of what authors look like?

Steely Dan, bro. Steely Dan.

No, I thought he would be the late-game badass that might help the Kansas City crew.

No, I thought he would be the late-game badass that might help the Kansas City crew.

No, I thought he would be the late-game badass that might help the Kansas City crew.

No, I thought he would be the late-game badass that might help the Kansas City crew.

No, I thought he would be the late-game badass that might help the Kansas City crew.

That's it! Thank you!

Can someone help me out by telling me the song used in the episode that starts with Hanzee remembering seeing that magic trick? It was used in that scene, and I only know that song from being sampled on this song, the chanting part at the beginning:

When I saw that guy (who turned out to be a city official, not a mafia guy, as I originally assumed) who was talking about shooting arrows being an art, I immediately thought "Chekhov's bow," but that didn't work out.

That made me snort-laugh, you son of a bitch.

Lena Dunham's character on "Girls" called herself the voice of a generation, and it was meant to come across as shitty and naive.

Yeah, Marty's in there, and he is 100% depicted as a dick.

Lindy West did a great piece on This American Life where she actually interviewed the troll who created a Twitter profile of her dead father to harass her. He was remorseful, and she was grateful for the apology, but she still kept his feet to the fire in trying to figure out what would make a person do something so

The reviewer was totally on the money when he talked about how disturbing it was to see Dodd rough up his daughter. I actually wondered if he really did hurt that actress when he slammed the door on her. Those '70s truck doors are not light.

I got a Community Chest notification for this?!


I admire the show's restraint for not referencing the woodchipper in the last season. This felt earned.