Fritz Zwicky

I posted about this as well, and I still don't quite know the answer. Effie talks a lot about how the film is about these asshole 1% people, and so it might seem fitting for them to have a black driver. But I see Effie's point, as well.

"Jason loves playing stupid" should be the tagline for this season.

Wow, I came late to this argument. I'm a straight, white male, and I used to completely side with Effie. Jason's a very frustrating guy who can't compromise AT ALL. Still, Effie has been rubbing me the wrong way, if only for her passive aggressive style. Also, from what little I know of the story of the movie, aren't

THANK YOU. This was driving me bonkers that no one seems to be mentioning it being a remake. And Colleen Camp, my first crush. What a babe.

Personally, I enjoyed the Shakespeare riffs, and it's partly why I always point to this movie whenever I feel like defending Keanu Reeves as an actor. The dissonance of his voice delivering those lines actually worked quite well for me. I have to believe that effect was partly Van Sant's design.

— Shredder.

Holy Big Mouth Billy Bass, Batman!

Oh no. I haven't been paying much attention for the past decade, but tell me there's not something weird with Mick Foley.

'Cause a Crazy Quilt party is mandatory!

EDIT: I don't know how to do the "OF COCK" thing, so I couldn't hide my spoiler. What's the difference between the two endings?

This made me laugh way too hard.

You're so Money.

I make $69/hour working from home, but you don't hear me bragging about it.

Straight up 1800s wizard wolf!

You wanna get nuts?! Let's get nuts!

Hey, Spidey? Maybe turn on the fucking dark, already?

For me, Tough Crowd was podcasting before podcasting. It was fundamentally loose, and it really showed an insight into how comedians interact with each other. It was real in a way that most other shows weren't.

Yo, web-head? Maybe turn off the dark, already?

Because of the implication.

No, O'Reilly.