Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen

A lot of NCAA teams cut down the nets after they win a conference tournament, and most cut down the nets after they win the regional finals.

Additional Collinsworth cluelessness: him wondering why Tony Gonzalez was considering retirement mere seconds after Aaron Dobson got rocked in the face and barely walked off under his own power.


Most superfluous out-of-season NFL story.

"My friend who slept with a guy famous for his "perfect Marxist politics" who slipped out of bed claiming he was on deadline to "write a column on the importance of keeping Marx central to feminist analysis," then never called her again; he had a girlfriend."

Edited: whoooooooosh.


Yeah, though these dudes do look pretty psyched to for their payday. Jesus, it looks like a freaking earthquake hit.

Manny Ramirez will cut hair to try and comply with minor league substance abuse rules.

What are friends?

I like soccer, and this article came up on my RSS feed, so I thought I would check it out. I wasn't scouring the internet to find places to talk shit on the MLS.

Why is joy in scare quotes?

Wouldn't a hipster like the MLS, since they're "underground" (also they have teams in Portland and Seattle)? You should get better jokes.

Damn dude, didn't expect so many pissed off MLS fans. I'm not threatened by the MLS, though I do wish ESPN would show something better like darts or shuffleboard.

Stop trying to make the MLS happen, Gretchen. Its not going to happen.

Disagree. It wasn't your stereotypical bombastic fanboy response but the long pause before the response and clear disappointment about KG and Pierce not ending their careers with the team seemed genuine.

Iceland has its own Bon Iver?

I'm aware of that, but nice try! They're of the same type: overpriced, below-average quality products that only sheep/extremely vain people waste money on.

Would you like some vastly overpriced HDMI cables to go with these vastly overpriced headphones, sir?