Most of my worst meetings are ones that have to happen. So scheduling them on Monday because they will get cancelled for Monday holidays is inviting one of two things to happen:
Most of my worst meetings are ones that have to happen. So scheduling them on Monday because they will get cancelled for Monday holidays is inviting one of two things to happen:
There are absolutely different levels of quality when it comes to materials, construction, fit, even when it comes to sweatpants.
Use a fucking coaster you monster...
Derivatives are not just for TVs. They are all over the consumer goods space. You know all those “outlet malls”? The ones that used to sell “factory seconds” or “last years models”. None of them actually do that anymore. They sell derivatives. Goods made with lower quality materials, less features, etc. And people…
They also surveyed 5,000 drivers about their experiences with drunk driving during the holidays.
I had jury duty last year. It was embarrassing to sit there and listen to all the people with their excuses, stories and schemes for ‘getting out of it’. I tried to answer the questions they asked honestly, and when they said “are you related to anyone in law enforcement” I raised my hand. Mrs. Ham works in an admin…
One of my kids once received a “nut topping” packet from mcdonalds as a treat.
I cannot understate the importance of this lesson.
I will likely see no love from this, but it was my 1992 Pontiac Bonneville SSEi.
Before I attempt any DIY/Home Improvement project, I always ask myself 3 questions.
“Paint the pacman ghosts on your walls... It’ll look awesome”
Massachusetts is not sending a :”stimulus”. There was a surplus amount of tax revenue (~$3Billion) that triggered a stipulation in massachusetts law (since 1986) that required this credit to be given based on certain criteria. It’s only been triggered once before (1987). I suppose you could call the choice to issue…
Thank christ... This was a really stupid omission that they made when bringing back the battery percentage display.
No, in order to start my wifes truck by using the “connected app” I need to sign up for the data plan for the truck to have internet access, and that internet access is only available via AT&T.
Ah, the dream of my youth.... I was just coming into the right age when the Viper came out. I was completely hooked. I see this example has the good old “Calf burner” exhaust.
AWESOME. The idea of making people pay forever to use the heated seats in the car they already fucking paid for is asinine.
Speaking from experience, sew the shit out of the seams that separate the bead pockets, and make sure to use something that’s not going to stretch. Why? because the fucking beads will slowly (or...quickly) leak out all over the fucking place, and it’s a pain in the ass to clean up.
don’t purchase a Samsung refrigerator. There aren’t many companies I’ve seen that have such consistently bad feedback as Samsung with their home appliances.
don’t purchase a Samsung refrigerator. There aren’t many companies I’ve seen that have such consistently bad…
came here to say this. The well has run dry. Maybe in the pre internet days there was a shortage of people “volunteering” to be tested upon, but now, i’m certain they are overwhelmed with people.
They should call it the “Treadwell Memorial”