Fritz O' The Ham

Am old person, any time something starts with “TikTokViral” I immediately assume a defensive posture and consider anything that comes after it to be completely horseshit.  

oooooh cookies....

Oh, I have a rule. I don’t do business with anyone who shows up at my house that I haven’t specifically asked to be there.

If you’re going to listen to a pitch from any solar company that “just happened to be in the neighborhood” make 100% sure you know what they are selling you.

Wait while I find the reddit post where someone used one of these services, and the person who rented their car went to MEXICO and used the vehicle to transport drugs, then the car was abandoned and impounded by some authority. All of this happened hundreds of miles away from the owner, who was desperately trying to

Is it possible that your butler is bringing your range rover to the mechanic while you’re vacationing out of the country?

I’m both happy, and sad to see John Madden on the cover of the game.  

To me, this is a variant of something they’ve been doing forever, which is not technically bait and switch, but it’s not far off either.

Do we need a separate “Shit on Nissan” sub-blog?


Spoiler alert, they all are... 

Those are american flags on the S Class... If they were “diplomatic” they’d be the flag of the country of the diplomat.

May not stay that way forever...

Be mindful that while donating organs is noble and could save someone’s life, or make their quality of life significantly better, the concept of “donating your body to science” is a lot more ambiguous.  

As an iphone early adopter, my first app store app was “remote” for itunes.

I’ve always struggled as a diabetic who is allergic to eggs, I feel like there isn’t a ton of reasonably health “traditional” breakfast options. 

Jesus Christ people, don’t install a developer Beta just to get a battery percentage reading on your phone. Also you buried the lead a bit here (emphasis, mine)...

The fact that people need to be told that they can be fired for posting “Racist or Discriminatory comments” and/or “posts showing illegal activity” really shows the level of brain power we’re working with here...

I’m pretty disappointed that no one commented with some nectar innuendo before me....