
“Redefine the cinematic universe entirely.” Later, director Chloé Zhao, said that she geeks out anytime she thinks about how far-reaching this movie will be for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that she’s the one who got to make it. What do these claims mean? We have no idea.”

I have no idea either. I literally tried

I was totally into gadget watches around that time and actually may have had an RC-4000 (I had A watch that connected to my C-64, but I’m not sure what brand it was. It had a database on it that could load alarms, schedules, to-do lists, etc).

Sometimes perfect things happen. This is one of those times.

I recently jumped ship from Pixels (I’ve been w/ Google phones since the original Nexus) after the underwhelming Pixel 4, and the 5 specs were the last straw. Rocking an S21 Ultra now, and it’s as close to a perfect phone as you can get, but I do miss the auto-song detection and the call screening :(

The other stuff on

Sam Neill actually like he could care less about the role he’s giving in his Marvell movie and his part is beneath him is a complete turn-off. Hate when actors do that. Why take the role? Cash...

Just an update: I received a Verizon phone update over the weekend and now have this feature.

Don’t have this on my Samsung S21 Ultra. Removed and reinstalled the Google Phone app too :(

Tile has had this exact same product with the exact same features for over 6 years. They’re a $160M company and their trackers have sold very well.


Apple comes out with a copy of the product.


What the hell man...

I suggested this a few years back- all these gaming laptops available, and MS is making laptops now, they’d make a killing if they came out with an X Box laptop. Not too far of a stretch. 

A good way to tell a sequel is going to suck is if they slap you in the face with references to the successful parts of previous movies instead of coming up with new ideas to build on the world.

Nokia is still around? I’ll be darned. 

Black Adam has so much potential---I hope they don’t make it a special effect fest that just happens to be a movie like they did with Aquaman.

The thing with Chrome is it seamlessly ties in with all of Google’s other services and Android phones. Sure, you can add Microsoft’s apps to your phone, but it’s not the same, and if you have a lot of devices it’s a pain to set them all up.


-Phone adds camera
-Camera overtakes phone
-People make calls from camera

Yes, they can be descented, but their feces are very oily, and it tends to shoot out of their ass and stick to things. THAT’S where the smell comes from.

JL definitely WAS a design. WB wanted their own Avengers so badly the skipped all of the buildup required to make that happen and went right for the kill. This is the equivalent of a guy taking 3 guitar lessons and then booking him to play in concert at Madison Square Garden.

What needed to happen for JL to

I’ve tried using pens and styluses for 15 years. Just can’t do it...the smooth glass and lack of friction makes handwriting look awful, and I can often use the keyboard much more efficiently. Tried the Apple Pencil too...same deal. Maybe it’s just me? 

Happened to see this and noticed a typo- you should parboil for 5 minutes, not 15 minutes. Hope this didn’t turn anyone’s potatoes into mush :(

I reeeaaallllyyyy wanted to like this movie. I’m actually angry at the writers. They had a perfect cast and screwed it all up. 

404: lumpy grey oats not found