
I thought the gag has been that he is/they are RELIEVED not to be a ginger...

If there’s no Tennant, I guess it’s Vaccant...

So Whittaker will be a sub-Tennant? Or maybe a lieu-Tennant?

Yes, Virginia, there is a stride mother. Wherever AV Club commenters gather and attract robo-comments to sell us things, stride mother is there, if only in our hearts. Don’t let your friends try to tell you otherwise.

I saw stride mother kissing Santa Claus, underneath the mistletoe last night...


Well, if Family Feud rewarded ORIGINAL responses, it would have been an entirely different game; a response that nobody else would ever come up with in a million years may be “original,” but it may also be nonsensical. But to say that it ONLY rewarded conformity with Group Think is also incorrect. Of course, the #1

If one of the jobs of the gnome nuns (gnuns?) is to provide occasional...companionship for Jedi hermits (such things are not unknown), it would explain why they’re disgruntled when Rey shows up.

In “Hamlet,” the name “Claudius” is never spoken. It’s always “the king” or “my uncle.”

Alternatively, he loaded up the Falcon with porgs because he knew he couldn’t get them anywhere else. They’re like potato chips, you can’t eat just one. People who have no problem eating rabbits (or dogs) may also appreciate the value of rabbits (or dogs) as pets or companions (but if you plan to eat it later, don’t

“I have to get home, my Cat has a Flea problem. She used to date Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and he won’t let go.”

I suspect that porg tastes too fishy for my liking, as if it were a rabbit that ate like a heron. But even considering that porgs can fly at least a LITTLE bit, it looks like there’s still a fair amount of rich, fatty meat on those bones. But their teeth are carnivore’s teeth, like a cat’s; eating meat that eats meat

I don’t think he actually did, although it SEEMED like we were expected to believe he would. That’s why, if I’m remembering correctly in the first place, it struck me that he didn’t; it was an expectation that didn’t come to pass. We see Chewie reacting to the porg’s mournful gaze, but we see him neither discarding

How is Porlget formed?

Very poor username/comment synergy.

We don’t SEE him eat it, but we also don’t see him actually drop the porg-on-a-stick. It’s already dead, so discarding it would have been a waste of good porg. Actually, I was hoping to see Chewbacca discard his meal, then have half a dozen porgs swoop in to devour it (i.e. the little guy with the puppydog eyes

Planning for the future despite the awareness of mortality isn’t denial or hypocritical, it’s just hedging your bets. Any one of us COULD get hit by a bus before we have a chance to spend the money we just took out of the ATM, but we PROBABLY won’t. And we left SOME money in our accounts rather than draining it all,

After “I know What Boys Like,” the Waitresses were approached to do a quickie Christnas song for marketing purposes. The result, “Christmas Wrapping” (while admittedly a hell of a fun song), completely eclipsed their “hit” and will keep them rich for the rest of their lives.

What the last two movies have stressed is that, while Kylo Ren may not be a “child,” he’s still YOUNG. Vader was presented as “the older generation” to the first wave of Star Wars fans (regardless of the prequels). Kylo (and Rey, and Finn, and maybe Poe) are being presented as “the younger generation” to those same

They can redeem Kylo Ren convincingly so long as they DON’T wait until the eleventh hour to do it (as they did so disappointingly with Vader). Can Kylo Ren be a “good man” with his past? That’s the story I want to see, even if it ultimately fails.