Headline in tomorrow’s Post: “NULL-IFIED!”
Headline in tomorrow’s Post: “NULL-IFIED!”
Everybody knows craic was invented by the CIA in 1973 and introduced into South Boston to keep the Irish down...
You didn’t see “Hannah” either? “Brooklyn” and “Lady Bird” are both fine films, but if neither is your kind of movie you might enjoy her as a preteen killing machine...
“Look at it this way. If I weren’t a VERY GOOD lawyer, could I afford to practice in a clown suit?”
He was one of the Mercury astronauts, right?
“But that was in another country, and besides, the wench is dead.”
So long as Franco can do a creditable “Hello Muddah Hello Faddah” I’ll be satisfied.
I’ve only seen his bit on Extras. “Gotta get home in time for dinner. Gwyneth’s making drumsticks!”
The Romans didn’t necessarily HATE the poor, but they thought bad luck was contagious so they kept their distance when they could...
Gotta get that felony off your record, huh? We’ve all been there...
I work for lawyers in San Francisco, and it’s weird as hell to see corporate clients positioning themselves to profit from California’s legalization. We actually have a nascent “Marijuana Law Practice Group” which is overlapping our Winery Practice Group in a lot of ways...
Well, if nothing else this’ll give Kate McKinnon some quality material on the next SNL.
Fish sticks remain as popular as ever.
If it doesn’t ACTUALLY have an infinite run time, I’m going to hire Lionel Hutz to sue them for false advertising.
The hammer is his penis.
Not really relevant to the topic at hand, but “House of the Rising Sun” is a song that carries a very different impact if it’s sung by a woman instead of a man, and you don’t have to gender-correct a single word. “Man resignedly returns to the whorehouse where he threw his life away” means something very different (to…
This is the first episode I’ve seen. In the 1990s flashbacks I was wondering whether the crinkles in the corners of the mom’s eyes were real or stagecraft, and when she showed up at the end I also didn’t really buy her as [whatever age she’s supposed to be now], but I figured it was better than any alternative [either…
Leave Laurie Anderson out of this...
Yeah, “breathes pigeons” conjures a certain image, and is maybe funnier in an absurdist sense (which is why, if that’s how Hughes heard it, he might stick with it), but sometimes the more likely/more boring answer is actually correct...