
Eh. There are different types of hoarders. The one of my experience is more like Teddy; if a thing is something she actually can use, she’s got three of them. If not, she’s only got one. All the extra “stuff” is stowed away in a closet or stacked against the wall, but it’s not organized, and nothing that MIGHT be

This isn’t Vietnam. There are RULES!

Given the number of best-selling John Irving novels that have been made into high-profile movies it would seem apt to include some, but both have kind of dropped off the radar at this point so I shouldn’t be surprised none of them have come up.

Since you’ve broached the subject, I WILL say that Shakespeare’s plays are better watched than read...

Well, one of the reasons I don’t think the last chapter would have worked in the movie is that Book Alex is 15, and Movie Alex is...clearly not.

As The Orville is an allegedly progressive and inclusive show, I’m deeply disappointed that McFarlane and his writers fell back on dated and insulting coulrophobic stereotypes in this episode. Most clowns will NOT try to eat you (not even Hobo Clowns). To exhibit irrational fear upon meeting a clown you don’t know is

Slip a couple extra twenties in the collection plate, and you can see the “after hours” performance, men over 21 only. You won’t BELIEVE how the donkey figures in. Let’s leave it at “There are no small parts...”

No challenge. Jesus keeps turning the other cheek (he won’t fight back!).

Yeah, but it took me far too long to realize the title had nothing to do with Chinese “life force.”

My tuning is ALREADY fine, it’s the best tuning, just tremendous. Tuners, important ones, I won’t say their names, have told me so, many times.

Fake news! It’s a far bridge, but what’s wrong with that? People ask me all the time “Why doesn’t America build far bridges anymore?” and I tell them it’s because of failed Obama. So when I built my bridge it was going to be the farthest bridge, really unbelievably far, and it’s exactly as far as it should be. And

Dress that doll in Kellyanne Conway’s inauguration outfit, and she’d be a dead (eyed) ringer.

More like a fish market...

The real question is, which side does this magazine cover support?

But none of her is on her phone...

Ah yes, as in the Three Minajie who came to worship the baby Jesus. Clearly, that’s what this cover is meant to evoke. Must be the Christmas issue!

1. You’re right, you don’t HAVE to convince me of anything, but that was the condition I set for YOU to choose who gets my dollar. Barring that, whether I choose to help people, whom I choose to help, and how I choose to help them is none of your business and nothing you can claim to know (except for what I already

“[Moore is not] the kind of person who would ever do the Smart Thing That Is Best For Everyone.”

Again, you have to convince me that any dollar she received WOULD HAVE GONE to someone else. But to show my good faith I’ll write a check payable to “The Truly Needy.” What’s their mailing address?

Well, Teri didn’t know Terry, but Terry also didn’t know Teri, and Terry knows everybody. So maybe she’s new.