That depends. Does “wearing a porg as a condom” count as “fucking the porg”?
That depends. Does “wearing a porg as a condom” count as “fucking the porg”?
You’d either get a poot or a grorg.
When a man starts mansplaining something to me I just mansplain all the ways he’s wrong, in a louder voice. And if that doesn’t work I punch him in the snoot. Then I drink Jim Beam with Mila Kunis until we both black out and we wake up married in Vegas. I can’t tell you how many times Mila and I have gotten married at…
My biggest issue with “mansplaining” is that men will be patronizing and pontifical when talking to other men, too. It’s what we do. When a man mansplains to another man, is it still mansplaining?
Of course, John Lennon didn’t have any daughters so he clearly knew nothing about the subject.
Includes the line “Female is the African-American of the world.”
Well, I’d watch “Family Guy in Space“ and probably enjoy it, but that’s not The Orville...
Math per se is ethically neutral. It is what it is... ( Was my math faulty?)
I’m always tempted to defend MacFarlane, but really he doesn’t need it. He is what he is, and people (maybe not people here) like what he does. I even like his singing. He’s a remarkably talented and successful guy.
I’m a fan to Star Trek TOS, am indifferent to later versions. That being said, The Orville wifhout the dick jokes just wouldn’t be The Orville. If you don’t want dick jokes (or MacFarlanism in general), you’d be happier elsewhere.
Lots of planets have a North!
Actually, until the end credits I though Kristen Schaal was voicing Kendra (I really only know Maria Bamford by name).
I think most people BELIEVE they’re ethical, they’re just not seeing clearly. That goes for Chidi as much as for anyone else (including me). Even Jason was able to throw Consequentialism in Chidi’s face, that the actual outcome of an action, rather than its intent, is (or may be) the significant factor in classifying…
“Don’t be a selfish dick” may not be a universal sentiment, but it’s hardly confined to the Judeo-Christian tradition.
My suspicion it that the points systm, while fixed, is algorithmic. It isn’t based on a Utilitarianistic value or a Consequntialistic value or any other single metric, but by all of those interacting together by some math that we couldn’t comprehend if we were told of it. Nonetheless, the math results in a single…
That must get tiring for Tahani. In the long run, they’re better off doing it lying down.
Gotcha. That they APPEAR not to be based on any normal compassionate reasoning, however, may just mean that the reasoning is beyond our ken. My take (for the show) has been that there’s likely some really complicated algorithm which assigns the point value for each action. As with the Christians being about 20% right…
PS: Miniature golf is a million times better than regular golf.
Okay, yeah, Tahani is smokin’ hot and anybody would be a fool not to hit that. But how do Tahani’s legs help Jason grow as a person?
The points system, as we’ve seen it, doesn’t appear to be arbitrary: good actions gain you points, bad actions cost you points. That the cutoff point is fixed isn’t presented as arbitrary, it’s just presented as high. That doesn’t imply that it’s unjust, unless you’re imagining that we’re being graded on a curve. Is…