
Of course, my first sentence was intended to read “Why is eternal punishment UNjust while eternal reward is just?”...

Why is eternal punishment just while eternal reward is just? If eternal reward is (eventually) the fate of every soul, why bother with “Life” in the first place? I grant that “Perfectly Merciful” is, as far as I can tell, incompatible with “Perfectly Just,” which is one of the reasons I, too, am unable to endorse any

I can see Tahani benefitting from Jason’s company, but I don’t see anything Tahani can offer Jason. Admittedly, I’m emotionally invested in Jason/Janet being the endgame, so can you elaborate?

I have to believe Jason is familiar with miniature golf, which would have been the way to introduce croquette to him. On the other hand, I have to believe that Tahani has never heard of miniature golf...

I’m seeing sesquipedantalsim! You should have said “A hundred and FIFTY Mantzoukases!”

And as far as we know, she’s NEVER gotten to break out that Australian accent she worked so hard on...

In my case, it’s because she won me over as Real Eleanor, and when the twist in the Season 1 Finale came I was as blown away by the loss of that character as much as by anything else (well, not really, but I DO miss ‘Real Eleanor/Fake Eleanor’). That, and her belief that she’s a Great Actor, waiting to be recognized.

“She’s doing a sitcom with Zach Braff, so she should be available again before you know it.”

Dressing comfortably is selfish? I mean, there’s no indication that Eleanor lacks basic hygiene (she showers and she wears clean clothes, even though she sneaks her laundry into Chidi’s load), but nobody’s under any obligation to make themselves uncomfortable in order to meet anybody else’s standards of fashion. In

No more unjust than if only 50% of humanity is being tortured for all eternity, or only 0.001%, if you accept that the relevant portion of humanity DESERVES to be tortured for all eternity. Why do you imagine the Afterlife must be graded on a curve? If we’re judged against a minimum acceptable standard (be it high or

My only issue with this episode was that it felt like late-season M*A*S*H, when everybody pretty much liked each other. I know that Team Cockroach’s growth and connection is a fundamental part of the whole concept, but every character’s worse self is also their funnier self. As a result, I was very glad (in an “Oh,

“I asked a man ‘What constitutes awell-regulated militia?’ in Reno, just to watch him die.”

Whose consensus? From what I recall, Schur has a pretty tight four- or five-year plan (I don’t remember which) for the show, after which he plans to stop.

Per IMDb he’s 5' 10" but we’ve only seen him (on this show) standing next to Ted Danson (6' 2") and D’Arcy Carden (also 5' 10"), so he looks shorter than when he’s standing next to Stephanie Beatriz (5' 6") and Andy Samberg (5' 9"). Get Derek next to Jason and Eleanor, and he’ll look tall again (so long as Tahani

Free Janets. That’s how they get you.

It’s a scientific fact that the beard continues to grow after death, as do the fingernails. The fingernails also grow before birth, although not the beard.

Pervert. Always tryin’ to look at dogs and cats when they’re naked. I bet you’re a regular Donald Trump when you’re at the Westminster show, just blithely walking into the grooming area to see how everybody’s doing...


Split the difference and get a French bulldog.

I mean, a cat dressed as a demogorgon is hardly a costume at all. It’s like Stage 3 cancer dressing up as Stage 4 cancer.