
What, was he actually Starchild or Cat Man?

Trump’s signature platform is the most disliked platform. Coincidence, or cause and effect? (I’m not on Twitter so my opinion on it is necessarily uninformed, but my theoretical approval of its existence would probably be higher if not for Trump.)

PS: Perhaps the biggest argument AGAINST both the Medium Place AND the point system is the one person we KNOW is in the Medium Place, Mindy St. Claire. She’s not a Medium person, she’s an awful person who did One Good Thing (or who intended to do and facilitated one good thing, which she got credit for).

“Der Mom.” It’s German, for “The Mom.”

Yes, “Dragonslayer” was a brilliant movie, or at least I’ve always thought so... Good ol’ Sir Ralph.

True dat. No high school experience I’ve ever seen on TV or in a movie remotely resembles the high school experience I had, but I know I had an atypical high school experience...

That’s where my mind went, fer sher.

“Dragon’s Lair”/”Dragonslayer.”

The central conflict in “Casablanca” could have been avoided if Victor and Ilsa had simply TELEPORTED from Prague to New York, bypassing Morocco entirely.

Michael, the doctors have told you the cell phones aren’t REALLY causing you pain, it’s all in your mind. So take off the space blanket and enjoy the movie.

I had forgotten (or maybe never realized) how completely sex-kittenish Princess Daphne was. Watching the episode, I was half in a state of shock before I remembered “Oh, right, it’s NOT Disney, it’s Don Bluth.”

Making bad people suffer is not our job, it’s the job of beings like Michael and his superiors. Do good to those who are good to you, and do good to those who are dicks to you, and thine (maybe) is the Good Place. Whether the people you help (good and bad) are themselves headed for the Good Place or the Bad Place

One thing that recently occurred to me about Chidi is that he’s still giving ethics classes DESPITE knowing that he himself was sent to the Bad Place. That’s like a Driver’s Ed teacher who never managed to get a license...

Yeah, I agree that there are worse punishments that death, and even the Elizabethans would give quick deaths (the chopping block) for some offenses and slow, painful deaths (hanging, drawing, and quartering) for others. Perhaps Draco drew the line at torture for some reason, or perhaps he was just a man with a lack of

That’s certainly true, but it still means that the Bad Place isn’t just reserved for monsters like Hitler and Stalin and Jared from Subway. If every deceased member of the Portland Trailblazers was not merely middling but truly awful, that would be QUITE a coincidence.

Thank you for a thoughtful response. I agree that setting a high bar in a binary “all or nothing” set up seems imbalanced from OUR perspective, but again so long as the criteria are objective and evenly applied (and I will add “based on a sound principle,” i.e “don’t be a dick”), I’m not willing to agree that it’s

Pretty sure it has to do with the outfit. I don’t know how to post images, but if you do an image search for Babadook you should get the idea.

A) I plead entrapment. This show explicitly invites the questioning of ethical issues.

Next animated Halloween special:

Okay, that’s cool! Give what you said to Malloy as a line (and give what I said to Kelly). :-)