
The stated reason for Chidi being in the Bad Place is that, despite the absence of ill intent (and a surplus of GOOD intent), his inability to commit to even the smallest course of action (for fear of making a “bad” choice) made life hell for everybody around him.

“But generally speaking, the only people Janet has confirmed are in the Bad Place are people who have done pretty awful things.”

I respectfully disagree, in that the whole set up of the Good Place/Bad Place division is that the Good Place is for people who DESERVE to be there, and the Bad Place is for people who DESERVE to be there, and that the criteria for getting to the Good Place, while unknown to us, appear to be objective (except, again,

Or a Zen thing. “If you meet a Janet in the road, kill her.”

There’s also the possibility that Michael is only focusing on bad actions and blind to good ones. If “Stealing a loaf of bread” is a 17-point loss, it is still possible that “Feeding a starving child” is a 50-point gain, making “Stealing a loaf of bread to feed a starving child” a net gain of 33.

I was thinking myself of tinkering with the master program itself (whether just for LaMarr’s case or permanently) such that each upvote given would be recorded as 10, while it would take 10 downvotes to record as one. It wouldn’t work with one-on-one interactions, of course, but it would pretty much guarantee that

Ah, right. The point stands, though.

Not necessarily a Hot Take, but it seems to be a minority opinion: I don’t see why the points system is considered forked up or evil.

The REAL Good Place is metric. The FAKE Good Place would of course be Imperial.

Ahem . I called it TWO WEEKS ago, immediately after Jason and Tahani hooked up. I expected that it would result in Janet passive-aggressively (or aggressively) taking it out on Tahani, though (which frankly still may happen; Jason/Janet is too important an idea for either Jason/Tahani or Janet/Derek to last).

Dammit, Janet, I’m on the west coast and won’t get to watch this for an hour or more. It’s taking all my strength not to read past the headline. Why cant you be like a South Park review and not post until after midnight?!?

There’s a “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”/citizenship for “Dreamers” joke to be made here, but I’m two pints into my evening and I can’t find it.

Not really relevant to Sophia, but I read that Sony is bringing back Aibo the Robot Dog with the abilities of an Alexa (or whatever the standard term for those things is). That could actually convince me to buy a robot dog and an Alexa thingy.

But does she know what it is...

Well, children’s taste buds DO respond more strongly to sweet stuff than adults’ do. That doesn’t prove that the PRODUCTS aren’t what they used to be, but science backs up that they taste different to YOU.

Super Sugar Crisp was Post Cereals, not Kellogg. Same thing, but different company...

Sorry, that’s usually my job, but I don’t watch Riverdale. I just checked out this article on a lark.

Ah yes, the Mooch! But a package goes bad so quickly; after about 8 days even the least discriminating of palates find it impossible to swallow.


Not the huge CGI pimps smashing each other with gold-handled walking sticks? For me, that’s a dead giveaway.