I have some deep pockets on my back teeth, and flossing alone wasn’t doing the trick. What finally worked for me is:
I have some deep pockets on my back teeth, and flossing alone wasn’t doing the trick. What finally worked for me is:
Pipboy on one wrist powerglove on the other = virgin
The new Pip-Boy seems to be a MAJOR upgrade compared to the one that came bundled with the Amazon Survival Edition of Fallout 3 - now THAT was shit
This guy gets it
Very cool story bro.
Great article. Could’ve been enhanced with the addition of pictures of the pre-redesign cars.
I gave MU a spin last year, and while I enjoyed the service, I eventually gave up on it due to the major gaps on some of their publications (which were too much for my OCD to handle). How’s that looking these days?
You have to be a moron to think that traveling long distance on a Dodge Viper would be comfortable in any shape or form.
Breaking Bad a ‘disappointing climax’? UMAD?
Thanks a bunch, konami.
The article does say you can opt for a computer running MAME instead of the PCB...
Page up fast forwards 10 minutes, not 30 seconds.
Brace yourselves for the additional $20 “Ultra HD Technology Fee” on your bill.
You should check out Zac Effron doing his version of Bale on the movie Neighbors. It’s spot-on. I can’t seem to embed the video, but if you google “Zac Efron Batman” you should find the 24 second clip of the scene.
I watched it as well - highly recommended. The emperors tomb, allegedly surrounded by a moat of mercury, is yet to be excavated.
I got skimmed once in Montreal, where someone used a clone of my card to spend about $400 in a liquor store. I also got skimmed twice in Brazil.
Cool story bro