I guess Peterson just wanted to switch things up.
I guess Peterson just wanted to switch things up.
Must be hard at this point to be pro-Preller and move forward.
“Europa League!? I mean, seriously, how are you supposed to play soccer in - 171.15°C temps?”
And all he’s done as the DH is hit strong home run slams all over the baseball yard.
Their articles get reviewed by Univision legal, per that annoyingly long Giz post. So good on all the parties involved.
Mitch “Wild Thing” Williams’s lawsuit against MLB Network was scheduled to go to trial this week in New Jersey, two…
“what is goaltending?”
Makes sense that the Rams would wear white, seeing as they haven’t scored yet.
I think it’s her face. Seriously! She doesn’t seem to have much personality, but that kittenish prettiness is incredibly appealing.
I adore Face/Off—stylistically it’s the coolest of the Trilogy—but the last half-hour really drags, and lacks much of the humor of the other two.
The Untouchables
The Blues Brothers is not as good as you remember it
Northwestern (La.; can’t ever forget to be specific) State people always go to Monroe to party. They drive, get fucked the fuck up, then drive back through nightmarish narrow backwoods roads. They never seem to fucking die. They never die.
The precedent that supposedly “established that the press can legally use illegally obtained information” is Bartnicki, as mentioned in the article, but I’m not sure that’s analogous to this Pierre-Paul case.
That’s ESPN’s argument too - but I don’t agree with it. The way one discovers information is important, otherwise HIPAA laws wouldn’t exist. Their lawyer say that JPP’s case is baseless because “Plaintiff’s theory is that it is fine to quote from a document, but it is unlawful to attach a photo of similar words as…
Publishing his actual medical record (or really even trying to work hospital sources) crosses a line.