I dunno. I picked him because he is also on the started on a sitcom, moved over to movies path. He seems to do a decent amount of indie movie work, but I expect if he refused to promote them when asked, those opprtunities would dry right up.
I dunno. I picked him because he is also on the started on a sitcom, moved over to movies path. He seems to do a decent amount of indie movie work, but I expect if he refused to promote them when asked, those opprtunities would dry right up.
Tom Hanks? More like Topher Grace, sorry.
It's not particularly funny, let's be honest.
I disagree with you, is not something that you will hear me say in this comment.
That's the one you have an issue with? Jean-Ralphio and Mona Lisa are incredible characters. April can get a little old.
This is LITERALLY a bad list Drew Magary!
Anne Perkins is still too high on this list.
If I was AP and my agent did some dumb stuff like this, I'd be switching my agent.
"He probably shouldn't have taken his brother's bike."
Yes, it must of.
Well, Tom, if you can think of a better term to describe songs from The Sound Of Music, I'd sure like to hear it.
That's what makes this a news flash, man! "Feeling frisky... tears my suit off me... worked me over physically..." Mrow.
Read this made me REALLY horny
Russell, on the way down: "KHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!"
One Pacino performance that isn't mentioned enough as a good performance of his is, The Devil's Advocate.
Not to sound like a dick but that is a pretty popular opinion.
Fitting that Novak would be "Bud Wiser" since both have terrible hops.
So far my lottery method is not working...