
The WH gift shop is selling a “Trump Beats COVID” commemorative coin. I shit you not.

When the House voted on DC statehood recently the vote was 232 to 180 with every Republican and just one Democrat voting no. Whatever happens with the Senate remains to be seen and will be determined by the upcoming election, but at least with respect to DC statehood there is no hesitancy in the House. 

Watching him gasp for air.... I’m not proud, but schadenfreude is sometimes so delicious.

There are plenty of insane things sprouting everyday:

To be fair, I think some people come to these GBBO articles just to come to the comments and bond, I read the article bc I wanted to read about the season but it took a lot of patience not to just scroll to the comments

Great British Pottery Throw Down— 3 seasons are available on HBO Max

Have you caught pottery throwdown? Or the most recent Sewing Bee? Sewing Bee was lovely, and then you had the weirdness of “What’s happened since...”

I’m seeing a lot of complaints about it not being the same set up - I had heard no tent, but I don’t see a great difference. But obviously some things are practical for Covid times.

There is so much competition out there, but I’m still fully convinced that Mark Brendanawicz is the worst sitcom character ever. And I’m including Urkel in that assessment.

There’s too many fucking services. Fucking hell.

It takes about a season (they’re relatively short!) before it grows into a very good show. Eventually it grows into a great show. It’s worth spending some time with it. But don’t expect greatness in the first season.

You really should give it another chance. Like others have said, the first season is good but it’s a lot of foundation laying (and it can be a little hackey).

I think What we Do in the Shadows shot itself in the foot with the multiple writing nominations, but The Good Place being left totally in the cold?  That’s kind of a shocker.  Especially since it was on it’s farewell season as well.

Totally deserved, if you ask me. What I find truly exciting is that no one seems to be batting an eye, or finds it even worth mentioning, that this show had a very queer narrative front and center throughout its run (which would have made any win near impossible not too long ago).

I hope they have enchiladas to celebrate, now that they know how to fold in the cheese.

Please keep going. As far as I’m concerned it’s one of the funniest, warmest and most intelligent sitcoms ever put to air. It actually manages to have humour and heart the way a lot of comedies claim but few deliver.

It’s really not. Extremely enjoyable and consistently hysterical show that can only be faulted for maybe being too heart-on-sleeve.

It’s a wonderful show. As with most series, the first few episodes are rocky, but when it clicks in the last quarter of S1 it becomes consistently hysterical. 

I rapidly watched Succession season 2. Why rapidly? Because it was utterly incredible. I really liked season 1, but the second season was another level. It built so much off how much work was done with the characters, and the overall plot of fighting a takeover (Along with the cruise boat controversy) gave the second

Well, expecting Lindsay Graham to do anything just or right was kind of bound to end in disappointment.