
1. The study (the SINGLE STUDY) you reference makes this statement:

It’s all embarrassing, but at the very end when he belts out the “HOME” in “home sweet home” with confidence and then completely whiffs on the “sweet,” is just brutal. Like really dude, you couldn’t anticipate the “sweet”? Not only is “home sweet home” one of the most common American idioms, the phrase is earlier in

I cried during the 1998 Lost in Space Reboot. I felt so bad for William Hurt and those poor actors. No one deserved that.

White noise. Get a box fan or a white noise machine to drown out the noise of the AC turning on/off. I have been sleeping with white noise since college and I can’t imagine having to give that up, I even have a white noise app on my phone for when I am away from home (though I prefer my box fan)

“Give me a brisk late September or give me death!”

No, I mean weird and/or abrasive acts like Butthole Surfers, Nine Inch Nails, and Beck (that first album was plenty weird) had big hits with tracks that had a big hook to grab the general public with. Jonathan Fire*Eater weren’t that far out on the open seas of weird with their sound, but they also barely had any

I know you can’t argue with an opinion, but nothing about them seems exceptionally abrasive or weird to me, especially for the 90s.

Jesus christ he is a fucking moron. We are ruled by a moron.

Republicans who will not impeach this person are the worst traitors in the history of the world.

It’s amazing Angel worked as well as it did. It took two (and then three) underutilized and/or marginally disliked characters and created a funny, dark, thematic show that, to me, has aged better than Buffy and is my favorite of the two. So weird.

Meanwhile, I never would have thought I would want a Buffy spinoff centering on Angel who, at least in his role as a good guy/love interest, was the least interesting part of early Buffy. But then it happened anyway and the spinoff turned out to be amazing to the point that some days I would say I like it more than

The Root: “The Beckys can’t get any Beckier.”

Why do they need so many writers, in fact, why do they need writers at all? It’s a TV show based off a video game based off a novel. It’s already been written, you don’t need 10 people to butcher a video game/novel story into little 30 minute pieces.



I assumed that he did change the name because you wouldn’t make fun of a real guy and use his real name.

I’m going to give this guy a money clip with $5 in it so he can buy a sense of humor.

But the real question is, did Kim give a little Tarzan yell when jumping? Or any sort of noise?

You can just say New York.