
I agree with many of the points you make here, but, and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, wasn’t the tragedy of celebrating his acquittal the fact that it was a celebration of privilege winning yet again? Even if the race was flipped, wasn’t this a celebration of the very system that oppresses in the first place?

TIL extremely dumb pieces allow me to set up the board in any way I want

As someone else on here mentioned it, The Innkeepers will work for you if you want ghostly.

Why the hell is Skinny Puppy on this list? That just seems spiteful.  

This has made me realize my own racist moment when viewing the movie. I was disappointed to see who they cast as Flash because it wasn’t as much fun for me to hate the guy when he wasn’t the iconic white frat boy jerk I hated so much growing up.

Corporations are people! They’re people!

It’s dire for the Terminator series, not for us.

For the love of all that is holy, how has no one mentioned Trico?

I only finished it as I’d put in so much time with the first part. By god that second part...has any book taken such a wrong turn?

I don’t know. All I can see is what assholes humans are that we even go out of our way to kill deep sea creatures that would never have anything to do with us. Then post pictures of their corpses and laugh about it.

Wait. Am I supposed to unplug mine?

Kubrick is probably the greatest director of all time, and most likely my personal favorite.

People have this all backwards. Films are classically way too short for the books they cover. Peter Jackson didn't stretch one book too far—he finally made a movie (well, three) that adequately did justice to the content of a book. It's not that the Hobbit should have been one film, it's that the Lord of the Rings

Agreed. I love Grumpy herself, but the fact that her owner doesn't pay this forward to other cats is disappointing. I even wrote once asking about charitable options and got nothing in response.