
Maybe it’s just me, but, I really really really dislike it when they amp up these big WORLD PREMIER showcases and then only show a title card or a short pre-rendered trailer.  Does nothing for me.  I feel like that’s for the shareholders or something.  Like, couldn’t that be in an email?

Stupid question: Why isn’t Swatting treated like attempted murder? I mean, the whole purpose of Swatting is to send armed-to-the-teeth police to a place where they think there is an active shooter or some such. The outcome of which is probably someone getting shot or killed.

You forgot “Tales from the Borderlands”, which is perfect in every way.

This is good news.  Picked up that Alienware QD OLED ultrawide (it’s frakking amazing), the PS5 will look amazing on this.  If they support 1440p ultrawide I will squeal like a schoolgirl, but I’m not going to hold my breath on it.

Stupid question: Does Plan B require a prescription? Should it?

That’s funny, when I played Limbo the first time I was reminded of the old school Prince of Persia, Another World, and Flashback.  I thought it was kind of the natural evolution of that type of game.  “Limbolike” is easier to say than “Persialike” I guess.

This was strange. Had a real hostage video vibe. Wonder if Phil is off screen in the corner with electrodes hooked up to Norman Reedus yelling “SAY THE WORDS KOJIMA!”

I don’t mind it.

Still don’t get why weed is a banned substance in sports.

Pretty standard corporate non-speak. Let me translate:

This whole deal is bonkers. Don’t know if that’s in a good way or bad way.

Here’s my totally from-the-butt prognostication: The committee has The Goods, whatever that may be. And everyone on the hill knows they have The Goods. Right now all the Rs are in Throw-Spaghetti-At-The-Wall mode to see what gains the most traction. When the time comes, they’ll latch on to that, even if it doesn’t

I’m just a big dummy, but how does a chunk of plastic get a patent like this? Doesn’t a patent have to involve something novel or unique or some such?

I’ve worked many, many, many different places in my life. They’ve varied from the smallest of business to corporate ‘Merica and everywhere in between. I can confidently say, with 100% certainty, that if I signed an email like that I would be immediately fired from any of those jobs.

Hot Take: Microsoft getting Bethesda, et al exclusives is good for them, but the real snag is getting ownership of the id Tech engine. They now control a top shelf game engine that can be integrated into Windows and Xbox.

“Arcane” is really, really well done. I don’t know much about LoL lore, mostly it’s just from those cinematics that pop up on my YouTube recommendations every so often. (The “Warriors” one is awesome). The world building is fantastic, the characters are interesting and well written (minus Jayce, he seems pretty

In a recent interview in Cro Magnon Weekly, Borik, the most successful hunter-gatherer that hasn’t died in the last two weeks, criticized fellow cave denizen Murk, stating “Murk paint walls too much. Who hunt food if all time spent painting wall?”.  

February is going to murder my wallet.

Sad that in this entire article there is no mention of Hugo Nominated Author Chuck Tingle.  

Yeah these all look cool...