
The older I get the less game length becomes important. I’d rather play a 4-hour game that’s fun an engaging than a 200-hour game that’s sloggish and repetitive. I get that Witcher and Skyrim are good games, but every time I try to start them my brain starts hurting at the amount of time required to finish them.

Tangentially related thoughts:

My guess? As with everything else, it’s about money. The TA probably has a deal where they get paid per copy sold, and with PC maybe there’s no real way to track how many copies are out there. Thus, they might be under the impression that they won’t be able to squeeze every yen out of Kimura. 

If it’s a musical, then they’d better use the title “Allegro and Furioso”.

I can enjoy both Marvel “garbage” films and incomprehensible art and indie films at the same time. It doesn’t even require any Simone Biles-level mental gymnastics.

Some thoughts: Even if slave labor isn’t in Nintendo’s supply chain, if China is endorsing slave labor in ANY of its supply chains then Nintendo should re-think its business relationship with China.

I don’t need a FFVII Remake-type upgrade* for every old-school Final Fantasy, but........

So with all these companies hoovering up other companies, I decided to spend nearly 4 whole seconds Googling the net worth of these companies:

Pushing Nier Automata into the ring:

All of the Supergiant Games games have incredible soundtracks.  Bastion, Transistor, Pyre, Hades

Big ones for me:

I love my switch, and I love the exclusives that come out for it.


Pretty sure they were after Kevin.  He was all like “Are you Kevin?”

“John Carter” and “Sunshine” are two movies that I will stan until the end of time.  Both are great, and nobody went to go see them!!

So, would that be ‘irony’ then?  Disney being the prime destructor of the public domain after building their fortune off of it? 

I have thoughts....

an entirely new fantasy role-playing game called Gate of Nightmares 

Hmmm maybe this tech will let someone easily create voice acting for all my favorite old school NES and SNES RPGs.