
Unless they decide to hid the customizations behind the rep grinds.  Which is totally something Blizz would do.

Anyone ever have a friend come over and they jump up on the kitchen table then take a giant shit on your fluffy pancakes and you’re like “Hey, man, you just shit all over my pancakes,” and your friend is all like “wasn’t me” and tnen does the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy out the front door?

Well, there go my hopes for a Team Ninja Tecmo Bowl.

I’m pretty sure President Knucklefuck Taintswig rage stroked 3 years ago when Hillary got more votes than him. It’s all been downhill since then.

My favorite thing from that nutso press conference? OBAMAGATE!

Could have been “Francis ‘Fanny’ Pound”.  

Disappointed there wasn’t any gameplay, screenshots, or even bullshots.

If I were the Supreme Emporer of All That Was, I would open up the NFL/NFLPA license to anyone and everyone who wanted to use it.

I hope they replace his slot with “Steve Kornacki’s Big Board Power Hour”, where we can watch Steve fall in love in real time with his Big Board that displays polls and results and stats and graphs and all that sexy, sexy data.

My hot take:  Pete would have had a better shot cruising in the left lane with Sanders and Warren rather than trying to eat some mediocre cake in the middle lane.

I believe, but I could be totally wrong, that the delegates pledged to a candidate that has dropped will vote their conscience the convention.  So those delegates could go to anyone who is still in the race by the convention.

Good for Bernie! The dominant Nevada win is what the candidates were hoping to get out of Iowa. The number of delegates is irrelevant, rather the margin of victory that gives a wave that you can ride for a while.

Had there been no news on this show, I would have passed it up. But, since it seems to be ruffling feathers and taken off the air, now I really want to see it.

Can’t wait for FFVII remake. That Aerith girl looks like a fun character, I hope nothing bad happens to her.

It looks like some of it may be in first person, a la RE7?  Or was that just a stylistic choice for the trailer?

“With Stadia we’ve figured out how to divide by zero.” - Google

Here’s my favorite part: He’s hung up on the idea of “pressure” when it comes to asking a foreign government to investigate a political opponent in exchange for military aid. If he didn’t pressure him then obviously it’s ok.

What’s next?  Shutting down all our bases in South Korea and Japan?

Uhhhh didn’t Trump straight up admit to what was said by the whistleblower on live TV? Like several times? Doesn’t that make the whistleblowers testimony unnecessary?