
Good to know!  Learned something new today :)

Came here to post this.  They lost the rights, and did a light re-skin to make sure it didn’t step on any IPs.  Is that just an urban legend?

That’s incredibly optimistic. In the future hellscape of 2052, after the hostile takeover of Google by the Great and Glorious Disney Empire, Nunes’ grandchildren most definitely be ‘Disneying’ him rather than googling him.

Berseria is great!! Zesteria is ok, but you’re right, it’s pretty grindy. Berseria is way way better, imo. You could probably drop Zesteria and jump into Berseria. It’s got a better story, better characters, better gameplay.

That’s pretty spiffy!

Hmmmm....looks familiar....oh shit....

Whenever someone uses the term “SJW” as a non-ironic derogatory insult my eyes tend to glaze over and all I hear is the Charlie Brown teacher, and I lose all memory of the previous 5 minutes. I think it’s some sort of defense mechanism or something.

Awe, was hoping for Freddie Mercury or Mr. Rogers.  Oh well, maybe next time.

Ooooo I hope the next game is Spider Gwen.

The Kerbals are an inspiration.  I mean, if the Kerbals can fumble their way in to space, then goddammit, I can get out of bed in the morning.

Well, there goes my wallet.

Picked up Cadence of Hyrule. Really enjoying it so far, though I’m finding out I’m more rhythmically challenged that I thought I would be.

That’s an interesting question, actually. What would have to happen for the wind to stop?

Wait...what’s a lemon party?

I had to look it up, but it looks like PopCap’s (owned by EA) games aren’t on Switch. Wouldn’t something like PvZ and Peggle and Bejeweled be a perfect fit on Switch?

Ah, good, it’s about time we start another war with *checks notes* Sweden?

It’s like Thanksgiving dinner, and you just know that your Crazy Uncle Russ is going to start going on a tirade about how the Chinese Jews are taking over our minds from their secret moon base. Everyone just kind of shakes their head, and if someone brings it up in casual conversation later they just kind of say

Metroidvania isn’t a genre, it’s a sub-genre of the platforming genre.

I’m really stoked about FFVII Remake. I remember getting the demo disk and playing that opening bombing run about 50 times. I was a fan of Final Fantasy since the first one. I remember renting that from the local video rental place (not Blockbuster) and my mind being blown. FFII (FFIV) was one of the first games I

I think that happened with FFVII, VIII, and IX too.  They lost the masters, and no one saved the source code or the assets.  That’s why the “ports” of VII and IX are the way they are, and the reason why it’s taken so long to smush together a port of VIII.