Friendly Neighborhood White Fella

That’s not fucking true.

Wait, is carrying a noose a threat? I mean, more than open carrying an AR-15, which for some reason is ok? I’d rather be near the guy with a piece of rope.

What the fuck is “inciting hatred?” I’m starting to hate you based on what you are saying, feel free to check yourself into the local jail.

Do you know why there could be a good debate about eliminating the cornerstone of a free society? Hint: it’s the first amendment. It’s funny that the strength of the doctrine you want to weaken is the only reason you are free to have this debate. Why? Because it is better to hear your bad idea and have more

Also his protest having nothing to do with the military doesn’t mean that people don’t think that sitting or kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the military. This is sort of like the Confederate flag. Even if you fly it with no racist intent, that is how a lot of people see it.

Vancouver had a lot of good beer when I visited.

Compromising the safety of millions of Americans as Sec. of State vs. a ubiquitous and difficult to define practice by another asshole developer. You are right, but not how you think you are. Trump may be a bigger asshole than Hillary, but she has had a more destructive effect on America if only because she has held

As an attorney that last item offends me. We are all scumbags regardless of who we represent.

In the balancing act of fairness to the defendant and justice for the victim, a child defendant deserves the chance to mature enough to be able to accuse the perpetrator, especially in the many cases where the child knows the perpetrator and has fear of them with no concept of how to escape.

There is nothing unfortunate about this principle. That is like saying unfortunately we can’t torture and castrate rapists because of the pesky 8th amendment.

If I’m reading this correctly she should be allowed to use her sexual history and proclivities, but he shouldn’t be allowed to challenge her version. That doesn’t sound at all just. Shouldn’t it be either both or neither?

Eh, except the resulting breakdown of social order would also make death by disease, starvation, etc. much more likely.

Oh my God, he was balding???????!!!!???

It’s a lot tougher for girls because their cycles line up and then things get ugly.

It has, tremendously.

The DNC also did a disservice by rigging the primaries.

“I’m stupid so I reduce people to simple platitudes!” is a good one too.

Yes, political influence can’t be bought with a bribe, instead a $250,000 “speaking fee” to a powerful politician and all the sudden the shady shit you are doing is swept under the rug. And if that’s not enough, a “charitable donation” to a certain foundation will do the trick.

Yeah, him being a drunk Coke head doesn’t bother me, because hey it’s his life. But he has never ever ever been funny. He was the worst cast member in SNL history (not only bad, but ruined lots of skits by “cracking up” so he’d get attention), his movies all suck (again, every movie he is in he makes it worse) and

Not a huge fan of people/therapists that try to reduce relationships or life events to such a simple calculus. But I also firmly believe therapists/life coaches etc. are often the most fucked up people going. I’d rather take advice from Miss Cleo, may she rest in peace.