Friendly Neighborhood Troll

Outrage is a bubble economy.

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.

I’ll take Biden for one term than 45 for two.

Machete’s nuanced meditation on immigration didn’t work for ya’?

He didn’t “make her” do anything. Actresses have the ability to pick and choose the roles they play.

I like Rose and all, but I wish she would use her spotlight to shed attention on other women and stories, rather than airing every mismatched sock in her personal Hollywood dirty laundry. At this point, I don’t think anyone is shocked to learn that Robert Rodriguez was an insensitive dickbro about making his

You asked “what happens” as though there was some mystery. I’m just pointing out that it’s abundantly clear what happens, because it has already happened for most of human history.

Probably the same thing that happened in those situations 20 years ago, when most people didn’t carry cell phones.

Have to admit, I rolled my eyes at that, and muttered, “sure helps when you’re that hot...”

I hear “Ridiculous Political Considerations” is what they named that new bulldozer which can level a Palestinian house in five minutes flat.

Ugh. Gal Godot.

Because few people can resist the allure of putting a black woman in her place

because you have to tear down successful black people. you haven’t figured this shit out yet?

“We’ve reached out to Haddish’s management for comment and an editor at Simon and Schuster who’s worked them both. We’ll update if we hear back”

I loathe Tucker Max, but this is such a non-story. Why do you care?

I get so uncomfortable about the desire for people to suffer that goes against base tenets of mental health.

I’ve been wondering about this too, not from a “how to forgive the men” perspective, more like a “how men should now behave to make it stop” perspective. Public admission, tell other men not to be like this, and then...?Def him retweeting accolades kinda ruins it for me.

Genuine question - what do we think could Spurlock have done in this situation to NOT be considered an asshole? Or is that simply not possible.

Here is the problem I have with this piece, in the particular example of Emma Cline: She admits to having been an abusive partner and spying on her exboyfriend in order to find out whether he was cheating.