Dean Winters will always be Ryan O’Reily from Oz to me.
Dean Winters will always be Ryan O’Reily from Oz to me.
The victim’s testimony does count, don’t overstate the problem. It just doesn’t count any more than the testimony of the accused.
Finally, they absolutely CAN go solely on “say-so”. Generally that is the only evidence in college rape tribunals as you point out.
Yes, and those complaints were all filed within days of each other after they “heard of each others experiences”. Crazy that they didn’t seem to consider these reportable offenses until then. The first complaint was related to “emotional abuse” from a former girlfriend and the fact that he had not explicitly asked for…
They actually did. They found him “not responsible” which is the “not guilty” of campus rape proceedings. She lied, multiple times to both Columbia and the media and was never made to account for it.
She was found to have lied about numerous things related to her claim.
If you go through all the facts it looks like she took advantage of title 9 to throw someone under the bus so her matress performance art stunt and thesis would gain more attention. That’s pretty fucking terrible, and what’s far more terrible is it looks like she got away with it, I don’t support abusers regardless of…
Well that’s weird of you.
I am not a troll, I am a trying to demand answers or make excuses, what I want to know, is why, referencing #2 - she didn’t just leave? If it was bad sex, bad date, you leave. I’ve left bad dates, I’ve stopped bad sex. If someone keeps repeatedly trying to reengage in sex I dont want, I leave. She should have left. He…
Didn’t she refuse sex and left , they didn’t have sex.
Why is Jezebel obligated to have a “take” on every sexual assault story in the news. That’s how you get lazy articles that add nothing to the conversation.
Yeah, such an awful show, focusing on a civically-engaged female lead character involved in local politics. What a terrible premise for a show, right?
Drone strikes? That’s the hill you’re willing to fight and die on? Do the planes have to be piloted?
Hahaha... respectfully, how do you deal with the modern world? Is there any leader or government that lives up to your (I mean this) noble beliefs? I’m a vegetarian pacifist who aspires to charity and kindness. Humans suck. If I held others to my beliefs, I’d be a lonelier curmudgeon than I already am.
I guess I…
So you won’t watch any show with anyone accused of sexual misconduct? I mean, I admire it, but I guess you probably should give up on pop culture involving men?
This isn’t a contest for me: I’ll be voting for Ben Cardin as I have before. He’s a great Senator with a strong liberal track record.
Can a convicted felon even ran for federal office?
Hope she lives a life that she can be proud of, but this is stupid. If anything else, the diplomatic cables she leaked were a clear case of Assange taking advantage of someone in a fragile state and getting her to dump everything she could possibly find.
It also requires competency. In what reality do you think that Manning offers that?
Someone needs to take this poor, deluded idiot in hand and explain that this is a catastrophically terrible idea. She has already done her bit for King and Country with the WikiLeaks thing and needs to retire quietly to the sidelines. Surely she must realize that her public image is permanently compromised re:…