Titanic was the fucking worst.
Ron was happy sponging government money while never doing his job while bemoaning the government. He was a conservative.
I like how he backdoor-complimented himself about being funny. Except that he’s wrong.
Never go with a hippie to a second location
All In The Family, or “Archie Bunker” as Tim Allen calls it (he may be thinking of the spinoff, “Archie Bunker’s Place”) was a cultural force because of Norman Lear and how it held a stark light up to outdated bigoted sentiment in the face of the cultural revolution of the late Sixties and Seventies.
But there is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate, than a funny, likable conservative character
I will never cease to be amazed by the way conservative figures, in politics, entertainment or otherwise, can play the “I’m just too dangerous and edgy for people to accept” when republicans hold both houses of Congress and there’s a nominally republican president in the White House.
I, for one, would LOVE 500 days of Megyn.
Hey hate on the 500 Days all ya want. The comments were usually awesome.
I maintain that the fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive to go to prison proves that Hillary Clinton is not the murderer the Pizzagate crazies make her out to be, because if she had cause to murder anyone ever it was Anthony Fucking Weiner.
Hottest of takes: Fuck that guy.
“At least one of their players showed proper respect for the fla- wait, what’s his name again? Oh. Yeah, deport that asshole.”
Slow your roll, NEDD.
Me-First player who doesn’t listen to his coach’s orders and thinks he’s special.
THANK YOU. Fuck that lazy, content-stealing asshat.
Also no talent.
My view as a prosecutor. I suggest a short but sharp jail sentence that makes him never want to go back. Then a lot of treatment.