

Yeah, it makes me wonder if someone posted a call somewhere to review-bomb it, or something to that effect.

I think its probably also a map size issue. If players can go fast, it means they can cover a lot of ground quickly, and then areas feel a lot smaller. In that situation, you either have to live with small-feeling maps, expend the resources to make larger ones, or slow down player movement.

I thought the joke was about how Hollywood will cast popular white actors in roles that should go to POC, and how the character (and by extension those who cast him) was too self-absorbed to realize how ill-concieved and wildly inappropriate it was. Maybe I was giving the film too much credit?

Disney doesn’t handle failure, or even percieved failure, well. They tend to ignore the existance of anything that’s underperformed (see Treasure Planet, etc). It wouldn’t surprise me if they just straight up refuse to comment on anything Disney Infinity related going forward.

Yeah, its odd that the cops (who are supposed to be specifically trained to handle these situations) get to justify pretty much anything by claiming they were afraid, but civilians on the recieving end are expected to act with perfect rational control in the same situation.

The people who remember why these things were bad are dying off. Its leaving living memory, and people have grown spoiled and soft, taking peace and relative prosperity and health for granted even as the systems that created those things are dismantled and eroded. I’m afraid we have a long way yet to fall before the

Oh yeah, games at this early stage of development are likely to undergo significant changes - its why they were seeking feedback from a focus group, after all. We’ll see what happens I guess. 

Yeah, that actually bothered me quite a bit. It seemed like an inappropriate level of casual violence for a protagonist in this setting.

Even if that claim is true, artists at a game company don’t have total creative freedom. They have leads and managers telling them what kind of art to make, and who have to sign off on the work before its considered done. If an artist gets instructed to make a character “hotter”, that’s what they’ve gotta do. You

Oh, no I understood you. I think though that you’re reading a lot into Heather’s original point, which was simply that its almost insultingly absurd for the developers to pretend that their work doesn’t have any political bent, when clearly it does. I get why they want to make that claim though, since they’d rather

“All games are political, so none are.”

Also, it gets worse if you know a little bit about how computers work, since “uploading” and “downloading” is ALWAYS just copying. Data doesn’t really move, you just make a copy on some other device and delete the original if you want. The implications of that just add to the subtle horror of the setting. It’s

RV’s, Duh...

Yeah, the idea that the latest pushback is the last gasp of a dying generation, and that our future victory will be inevitable is a seductive one. Its also dangerous and wrong. People have been saying this for decades, but I know far too many younger people who proudly voted for Trump. Adherents and misogyny and

Yeah, it had some problems early on (the terrible “welcome to the Nexus” cutscenes in the first few hours really wrecked the game’s reputation), but once I got into it I didn’t want the game to end! After 120 hours I finally ran out of sidequests and went ahead and finished the main questline. The game had a lot of

And? Why should such instruction be necessary? It almost goes without saying that blowing people up is bad, and no way to deal with your problems, but I’m sure teachers can figure out that point on their own. Why should “radical islam” need to be singled out on that front? Why would the instructions need to make a

Yeah, it seems like the old racists keep raising new generations of racists to carry on. Plus, people are inherently contrarian. As we’ve seen, if you try to make the status quo “equality for all”, you have no shortage of people willing to “stick it to the man” against the “oppression” of “political correctness” and

Yeah, that was my response as well. It was like a breath of fresh air to see a president who could admit to the existence of facts and evidence that contradicted his opinion, and publicly admit that it meant he must be wrong.

Well, since he’s not around to ask, we’ll never know, but that kinda sounds like the thing you say when you realy do want to do that, but you know a bunch of folks will freak out if you say so. Its kind of the inverse of “I don’t hate black people, but...”