
Honestly that feels pretty realistic to me. I suspect planets without much water are just more common than moist, life-rich ones.

I mean, to other robots that’s pretty much how he operates. He’s basically a robot serial killer that steals parts of his victims and adds them to himself.

I’d say maybe it was more of a force-vision, similar to Luke’s Vader-self in the tree cave, but it amounts to the same thing - not really Han in a literal sense.

Also, I’ve heard that while Lucas originally wanted to make 9 movies, he didn’t think he’d get to, and used up all the material in 4-6, killing off the emperor there instead of the hypothetical 9th movie. Its also why the prequels were a bit redundant, because the key events were already dropped in as backstory

I wonder if Trevor is available...

Yeah, to be honest I left the theater surprised at how solid the writing was. I’ve seldom seen a movie that was so well constructed and self-consistent, with every element carefully placed to lead up to a solidly logical conclusion (the twist ending answered so many questions I’d had about the premise!). I was not

I mean, I’m not a huge fan of everyone being related, but doesn’t seem like TOO much of a stretch for Kylo to have been lying in that scene.


Yeah, it makes me wonder if someone posted a call somewhere to review-bomb it, or something to that effect.

They’re her aviators from her time as a pilot.

I think its probably also a map size issue. If players can go fast, it means they can cover a lot of ground quickly, and then areas feel a lot smaller. In that situation, you either have to live with small-feeling maps, expend the resources to make larger ones, or slow down player movement.

I thought the joke was about how Hollywood will cast popular white actors in roles that should go to POC, and how the character (and by extension those who cast him) was too self-absorbed to realize how ill-concieved and wildly inappropriate it was. Maybe I was giving the film too much credit?

Bah, this kind of article is why I hate debunkery. Half the time the people “debunking” something don’t even understand what they’re trying to “correct” in the first place. Calling the far side of the moon the “Dark” side isn’t wrong. Its just a sligthly old fashioned meaning of the word, meaning “unknown”. Its found

Disney doesn’t handle failure, or even percieved failure, well. They tend to ignore the existance of anything that’s underperformed (see Treasure Planet, etc). It wouldn’t surprise me if they just straight up refuse to comment on anything Disney Infinity related going forward.

Yeah, its odd that the cops (who are supposed to be specifically trained to handle these situations) get to justify pretty much anything by claiming they were afraid, but civilians on the recieving end are expected to act with perfect rational control in the same situation.

The people who remember why these things were bad are dying off. Its leaving living memory, and people have grown spoiled and soft, taking peace and relative prosperity and health for granted even as the systems that created those things are dismantled and eroded. I’m afraid we have a long way yet to fall before the

It looks like they’re trying to call back to old comics. They’ll bring in Ben-Day dots in some shots, and what looks like deliberate printing registration errors, which are probably what you’re describing.

“Smoothness” is not the end-all and be-all of animation. Personally I love the hitchy, poppy animation style they’ve gone for. It gives it a unique feel reminiscent of stop motion and 2d animation. I also love the Ben-Day dots and printing registration errors they deliberately slip in all over the place, which make it

He belonged to the government of Naboo, and was with Amidala, who then loaned him to Anakin.

I’m hoping they eventually add the classic black suit. Its still my favorite, after all these years.