
I agree. There's no excuse for not being aware of global issues (and it's not even that, she in LA — LA is pretty global in terms of what passes through), especially when you have access to practically infinite resources that allows you to be educated on this.

But if she doesn't know what modern day racism looks like, how do we know that she hasn't behaved in a racist matter?

I felt more awkward for her than anything. Connecting being single and not desirable now to slavery is quite a leap.

This is one of exactly next to ZERO gyms that would even think about coming to a neighborhood like mine. This is not even registering for people in my neighborhood.

That has to be coming, though, right? I mean, how could he not!

Wheaton speaks for itself, really. how I felt.

These charming fellows will go on to run the fucking country.

I like Colbert, but I think this is about something as big as the insensitive NFL logo. I think you can get satire and still think that ironic racism is not OK.

The comments are priceless on that piece though.

It's possible to assume people are racist, and have positive interactions. I admit it took a lot of time to get to that place; I'm a huge cynic, but very chill, if that makes sense. I mean, it is what it is. I have no expectations that this world will change it's beliefs about race in my or my child's lifetime. But

Fortunately, many more agree with me, than with you. This is also less of an outrage than blackface because, well, history. Also, minstrel show themes are still quite prevalent. Just because they aren't called minstrel shows does not mean they aren't. Messages and all that.


Still, no.


Maybe one day, not in my lifetime, but one day, when there's no such thing as "traditionally white elite institution", or traditionally white regular institutions, we can have that discussion. But all institutions are more racially and ethnically reflective of society, it's really a not an important issue, like, at

If you look at the lives of the majority of black Americans, that is, where they live, what type of jobs they have and the salary they make, and where their children go to school, you realize that the "progress" is more about the reduction in state sponsored violence carried out against them in public.

So does this mean the divorce is potentially a ploy too? Cause that would make sense.


If only soda (or access to healthy food) were all that ails the black community. I'm sure scholars would call those issues symptoms.