Fried Yoda

Major kudos to the guy banging the drum and the rest of the orchestra for keeping a straight face. That's professionalism for you.

Look at that annoying little brat at the beginning. His parents are holding his hands and talking to him about something important as they stroll into Radio Shack for some good old family shopping fun, and he rips away (on his second attempt, mind you) and goes straight for the Turbo Grafix arcade. Proof that video

Eggnog spiked with bleach. It is the only solution.

It now requires a password to access

I found a slightly more appropriate header image for you. (via Kissing Suzy Kolber)

This. Everything is this.

Fiat Punto Evo in both MultiJet and MultiAir options. I have one in Europe (MultiAir). I wish I could bring it to the U.S.

Go back to GLP

Taken with my shitty Asus laptop webcam. iPhone 5, my Gnex, and my One X. My Droid 2 Global is at home along with my HTC Radar 4G.

Picked up an iPhone 5 after two years on Android (had an iPhone 3G, lasted 2.5 years with no issues. The last two years I've gone through 5 Android devices). I didn't even camp out. Slept in and went to the Verizon store at 11am, asked if they had any 64GB models in stock and they told me they had only in white.

I'm coming off of a One X and Galaxy Nexus (I use both). I'm replacing the Nexus.

I've owned two pairs of Persols over the last decade and they're amazing. My favorite sunglasses by far in terms of style and quality. Unfortunately they only come out with a design that fits my facial features once every few years. This year I needed new sunglasses and I as trying on that exact pair in the header pic

At least I put some effort into it

I double as a Fruccibot

How to properly review a gadget after having sex with it:

I think people who are saying that the blogger is being ungrateful are missing the point. This isn't a matter of wearing Samsung swag or not. Samsung clearly laid out its terms prior to the contest ending. When the winners were chosen, they were clearly offered to attend as promoters or reporters. No where did Samsung

Not surprising, Samsung has home turf advantage in Asia where Apple has home turf advantage in the U.S. Fragmented rulings still work towards Apple's advantage though. Samsung will have to rethink it's product strategy. Does it want to pour resources in cloning an iPhone just so it can sell it to a handful of

You're talking about peripherals/accessories, which aren't the same as cloning a product.

Spot on Jesus, I've been arguing this point for over a year now as well amongst other tech enthusiasts, and on some podcasts. Often, the debates would get quite heated. Innovation comes in many forms. The only innovation being killed is improving upon an existing platform. That's the easiest innovation, and the lowest

The Fiat Punto Evo, especially the MultiJet diesel version, should be offered in the United States. Fiat's MultiJet technology makes it one of the cleanest, if not the cleanest, diesel engine in the world. Some countries in Europe are making the 2012 1.3L 85hp version exempt from emissions testing. If only diesel