Fried Yard Bird

I still wonder where he got those battleship sized chains to drag the dead dragon out of the lake. The local Home Depot?

Jon: Did you push Bran out the tower!?

I was waiting for Jaime to say: “You need me on that wall, you want me on that wall!”

Auntfucking? That’s like, first base in the Seven Kingdoms.

Meanwhile Matt Kuchar wishes no one would cash his cheques.

But isn’t everyone a critic?

The restaurant owner sounds like a prima donna. He probably checks Yelp for people checking in at his restaurant. This kind of reaction will hurt the restaurant in the end.

That restaurant owner is a little bitch.

If only the shooter had been as accurate as Russ...

RIP, Nipsey.

Dick Bawls “Strike!” Ball Strikes Dick

Umpire Tosses Dick Who Argued Balls And Strikes; Tossed Ball Strikes Umpire’s Dick And Balls

Perhaps, I can add:

I can now understand why this officer feared for his life, since there is nothing a black man should fear more than a white woman....

This one is even better:

“A woman it appears was senselessly murdered by a trigger happy cop and all you can do is pull out your pathetic race card. Everyone should be outraged anything someone is executed by the cops without any trial or jury.

Just goes to show how entitled whites are when it comes to their humanity. They aren’t required to feel empathy for us or anyone else, or to have any sort of introspection on intersectional issues... but to not feel empathy for them? Suddenly you deserve the death penalty for the grave misdeed of not loving white

“I hope you are next”

Let white people control the narrative and more white people are killed by police than black, so wouldn’t that make YOU most likely to be next? Anyway, all this anger at me not giving a fuck about a white person is hilarious and doing NOTHING to disprove my point.


They’re still crying and not making any sense. Wouldn’t this apply to THEM?

If society treats white lives well enough, how much will Black apathy do to devalue it? They have almost all of the money, positions of power, and social capital, so they have little reason to bitch about our lack of fucks to give. It’s not as though they ever seriously make good on their promises to be better.

And here they are with the whine missing the point:

“Devaluing human life based on the color of someone’s skin is a perfect example of racism. Congrats.”

This seems like a job for white folks and the All Lives Matter crew.

For the grays:
No, I don’t give a fuck about this white woman being killed by the police. Spare me the, “Don’t be mad when somebody black is killed by police and white people don’t care!” You fuckers have shown us repeatedly that you don’t care. For

What does that make the High Sparrow, then?