Fried Yard Bird

I don’t believe the assertion that clarified butter is like butter-squared. It does create a richer flavor, because it’s pure fat, but the milk solids that are removed contribute a non-insignificant amount of “butter flavor.” The main reasons chefs clarify butter are shelf stability and the ability to use it in high

You need whole butter for laminated doughs because the water content in the emulsion turns to steam during baking and creates lift and separation in the layers.

In the fairly likely event Coutinho has a great performance at the world cup this summer, Barcelona would be forced to shell out even more of a fee for him if they waited. Now they have a leisurely half season to acclimate him with little pressure to carry a heavy load due to their positioning.

He’s definitely cup-tied for the CL, but the side benefit is resting Iniesta for non-CL matches to have him fresh. Coutinho can play all of the league and copa del rey matches.

To be fair, my parents also “generously” gave me all of the fish meat while they “suffered” by eating the belly and head. It wasn’t until I was cooking professionally that I realized the belly and head were the best parts.

Fried chicken is all about the skin/crust. When I was a little fat kid, I used to eat only the skin/batter piece and make my mom eat the meat.

Okay, so my question still stands: who is opposing this? The old argument for any playoff system was it would take bowl games away from other teams, but I’m sure they can easily find sponsors for the playoff bowls. Another argument was the athletes have to take finals, but please, spare me.

(CO perspective here) It’s not difficult for one reason: cops don’t give a fuck about enforcement of these particular issues. Stores self-police the various laws because they’re making so much money they don’t want to get their license pulled and the anti-weed members of local government are looking to make examples

They got busted, in part, because staff members instructed people to go out and come back in. Pretty easy sting there.

This is awful in the food industry because there’s no customers to serve even if your staff all made it on time. I don’t think it’s unreasonable here because there’s actual shit to do in these practices and there’s a finite amount of time before the game, not to mention they can likely get a room at the hotel in the

Right. Just like it’s not possible to get 97% of the vote in any of those sham elections like in Russia and Chechnya. You can’t get 97% of the population to agree on fucking anything, much less a head of state election. Which makes it even more unfathomable why half our country doesn’t believe in man made climate

I don’t know why he didn’t claim there were 60 million illegal votes and that he actually won with 97% of the popular vote, like his autocratic buddies world round.

What’s the argument against expanded playoffs? Like the champs from top 4 conferences (rate them like UEFA rates individual countries’ domestic leagues) plus 4 at-large picks? Don’t these soulless fucks crave more money anyway? Extra games! Ticket revenue! TV dollars!@~#$!

The same reason white people are the most violent and the most fearful. They project their own propensity for violence onto the Other causing fear within themselves, which in turn causes them to preemptively react with violence when they get scared.

Despite substantial evidence of voter fraud

I’m curious what you would’ve done as Johnson if you were handed Rey from TFA. I think he told a pretty satisfying story about her that relates to what we know Jedi training to be - overcoming insecurities and doubt, failing as part of the learning process, conquering your inner demons. He neatly ended the parents

Not trying to be rude, but is the pickiness from apathy to try new foods or just disgust at most foods? I’m the complete opposite of picky eater - I tend to want to try everything, but there’s definitely things I’ve tried and decided were shit.

Her character works. Her initial motivations and reticence in joining the resistance and her eventual self discovery in the pit all work well to shape who she is and why she fights.

TLJ cemented the fact that this trilogy is about both Rey and Kylo and I think that storytelling is throwing off a lot of people. The original trilogy was Luke’s story (with a Han/Leia sideshow) and was much more black and white in terms of who is good and evil. The emperor was pure evil and Vader merely his tool.

Imagine you’re a child, barely old enough to remember, but still young enough to not understand anything. So you remember being abandoned, but don’t remember why. It seems like wondering why would be a dominant theme to your life, even to the point of concocting stories in your own mind about your parents’ eventual