Fried Yard Bird

Eh, bringing in the actual context and history of RedditGuy’s relationship into focus would make this post too myopic. Clearly, if you read the reddit thread, your suggestion that the issue is bigger than sushi casserole is some of the more highly upvoted comments.

Funny anecdote: my friend ordered Chinese food two nights in a row and his roommate asked how he could eat that every day and his response was, “They do.”

I’ll go a step further: never date someone who has a garbage palette and refuses to try new things. It always translates into how they think about non-food things too.

Humans tend towards corruption. Unions are just a formalized group of people gathered together to achieve certain goals. Corporations aren’t inherently corrupt either, but the humans in charge of them will act corruptly and use the power and money of a corporation to achieve selfish goals. The way to combat this

You have a problem with corruption, not unions. Unions function to provide more bargaining power to their membership against interests that typically wield vastly more power than do their individual members. The negative aspects of unions, especially certain American ones, exist because of human nature and its

I don’t disagree with her point, and I’m not even truly criticizing her statement because it was made during a town hall rather than a fully written speech. I just like how RFK undersold the fiscal aspect of equality and justice in his version.

“It’s not just about what is morally and ethically right, it also makes sense just from a fiscal standpoint,” [Harris] said.