
I have not agreed with every idea in South Park but it still has some biting satire that is no where else. I am mature enough to handle ideas I don't agree with presented to me and not blame society problems in them.

Not if you think every little thing is some how changing people's mind and you live in a black and white world.

After you keep using the term "false equivalency" wrong we can officially accept it no longer means what it used to. Now it is just used when someone criticizes both sides.

Hey it is better than looking inwards for fault.

The media just ignores economic issues like most "progressives" do. The all say "we can do both" but then only focus on social issues that requires no sacrifice from middle and upper class "progressives".

Why not just continue the straight line to the KKK and Nazis if we are going to get totally stupid?

But the alt-right is online so both sides can entertain themselves with a mini-culture war in their cocoon of Internet.

The left just can't do any self-criticism. You point out something the left is doing wrong people start shouting BOTH SIDES and FALSE EQUIVALENCY and won't leave you alone unless you acknowledge the right is worse.

Plus the Jimmy Fallon hair rubbing that sealed the election. ****eyeroll****

But those society crushing Pepe memes.

I agree. There are now a million articles about why Trump won with very few with any trace self-reflection.

PETA would rather the orca die in the wild. Sense is an endangered species at PETA.

I loved all those as a kid. Linken Park fans were probably the same age as when I liked those bands. Picking on stuff kids like or when they were kids is easy pickings for people who want to feel superior with themselves.

That FX Now app is the worst tho.

This is 2017 all we need is half of a fact to go full outrage at insignificant things instead of reserving that outrage for all the terrible things in the world like the fact that Chechnya is running gay concentration camps.

Yeah I like when people now think they are brave now to support same-sex marriage. Where were they in the 90's?

I am sure it will be thick with heavy handed preaching with hammering your head over with obvious current events parallels. I will bet 10,000 Confederate Notes there is a barefaced Trump character.

Never watched the original past the opening theme which was badass. The original opening is much better. The original Hawaii 5-O opening is the best ever for a TV show.

I will always contend they stopped focusing on her character in BSG because her acting was so embarrassing.