
Meanwhile John Scnieder still looks delicious.

Would watch Chicago DMV.

Digg got a huge offer from Google. Now Kevin Rose delivers pizza or something.

Hey Jealousy.

Internet has sucked ever since AOL let in people with very little intelligence. Newsgroups actually had smart discussions.

I would go with Yes, Dear. It ran for 6 seasons believe it or not and part of Raising Hope universe apparently.

It where as a kid you watched Haery Carey get drunk and say "Holy Cow".

In Canada

Well it gives right wing douchebags a news story to use the term SWJ a lot on. Does nothing to address real gender issues and makes progressives look like this crap is all they care about. "But it's a start."

The ones without a display are dumb. I guess I'll just randomly play my NPR podcast next to Lady Gaga.

I saw a cassette player on an old guy walking the track the other day. 1980s headphones too.

Phones are getting worse. The battery life is shorter with unneeded high density displays There are more fragile requiring a case that kills it's wireless functionality. Dumb features nobody wants. I guess as long as it looks cool.

The phone but it is a terrible device for exercising with. No buttons sucks. Dropping your phone on the pavement sucks.

I go through a lot of them running and going through bad weather kills them. Sandisk ones are super cheap but it gets the job done. I have a Sony one that is the best but it is overpriced. Hard to find ones with good interfaces and buttons.

So if someone criticizes me I can just imply a comparison so I can shut down the conversation with FALSE EQUIVALENCY. Cool.

I am sorry you must be arguing with something someone else said.

A false equivalency is a debating trope when you mention something your opponent does is at the same level when it is not. Not when you mention both sides are doing something wrong.

Never said they were equivalent again illustrating my point. It is weird how people go FALSE EQUIVALENCY when any criticism is brought up.

The logic on this is already not there. Why not introduce time travel?

Perfect illustration of what I was saying. Hey let's not say we are doing anything wrong and change a few things so we can you know win an election. Hey look at those guys.