
But Grace Park's horrible acting was such a great fit for the show.

Aww I thought after enough episodes Chris Hardwick would actually say something funny.

The end cutscene in Super Mario Galaxy is way weirder. That is some 2001 Space Oddessy type stuff.

I rather just rewatch Corvette Summer so I can see her unnecessarily shown boobs.

Yes. It started the puzzle platformer genre that indie developers ran into the ground recently by just doing so many of them. Still the best and hasn't been topped.

Go to Corpus Christi and they are on every block. It is Corpus Christi Starbucks.

I made an escape with one in my car. I crushed it many times when I put my seat down and my bass amp on it. It still was unharmed. You can't break those.

I accidentally stole one from Culver's and returned it 3 years later. It still matched what they were using. True boring story.

Harvey Milk would have been proud of this outing but disappointed it didn't lead to a suicide.

Yeah feminsim targets should always be conservative.

I can't believe this account of the performance because it is only one person's account of the story. I am going to say let's wait for all the facts.

Well it helps that the Switch has a battery. Not sure how you expect the PS4 to do that.

I had a hard time watching with the slide show like animation. Lasted 15 minutes and it was already heavy handed with religion is bad neckbeard pandering. I kept waiting for a beep for someone to change the slide.

Hopefully she gets the news eventually since she probably has to use AT&T.

So everyone should retreat to their echo chambers on their Internet where their opinions can never be challenged?

Is he? Are comedians no longer required to be funny?

Ugh "false equivalency" is just used now by liberals not to stop any self reflection of maybe they are doing something wrong.

I think he is. Must be one of Maher's writers.

I know that is one of 10 reasons it is dumb.

You are living in 2017 where it is no longer acceptable to give people with different viewpoints airtime.