
The fact that they are both Muslim has nothing to do with it?

What else are they going to write on days Trump doesn't hilariously misspell a word?

Are people now just realizing he is not funny? His jokes are just Leno jokes with left wing angst. People like bad jokes if they really like them sticking it to the other side. It's why right wingers think Rush is funny for saying lamestream media for the 1000th time.

Doesn't matter. Most people will believe whatever they want anyway.

But Covfefe is hilarious!!!

The Democratic party isn't going to run on substantial economic policy that helps needy people. Democrats are addicted to Silicon Valley money that wants them to focus on no-sacrifice moral issues. A lot of those rich guys want gay marriage but want a libertarian paradice to sell their cheap devices from China and

Yeah often brain surgery is done with the person awake. Nope.

Agreed. I am liberal as they come but stuff like Cheeto-in-Chief makes me cringe.

Even the pop culture stuff weirdly diverges into angsty snarky Trump rants. AV club has become that friend that always diverts conversations to politics to make you listen to them rant.

Feel free to state your real name.

You should state your name right now if you believe we all need to put our names to our opinions. I will stick with my anonaminty.

I am pretty good at making anything conservative into racist stuff so I can enjoy whatever horrible thing happens to one of them.

Yeah I liked him when he released information about the Bush administration. Now I don't like him when he releases stuff damaging to my side.

Did I watch another show called Glow on Netflix? Because the one I saw was cornier than Saved By the Bell complete with terrible acting.

I am glad we can still use good old fashioned fat jokes on right wing nuts because people get in a tizzy when you use them on anybody else these days. I have a library of fat jokes on the ready because someone for Christmas gave me King of Queens Season 3.

Do you frequent the Internet?

If I watch this show will I instantly become one of their annoying fans that infest the Internet?

That was an awesome fight despite making no sense after the twist revelation.

Yeah they are going to write her out as she decided to become a homemaker.

I thought 8 was one of the best. Bring more of them please.