
The cast is so big now and the percentage of action to dialog has increased so much that all the non Vin Deizel and Rock characters all had like 5 lines in Fate 8.

Yeah that number sounds real wrong even if you account for waste in those stupid small packets.

Yo no Horizon Zero Dawn? Getcha a PS4 dawg.

Yeah I played it. It is really complicated. The single player is really a 8 hour tutorial that keeps adding more and more rules until it leaves you with 50% of what you need to know. You also need to know every team very well. Too complicated for me.

What about his cameo in that Twisted Sister video?

I love her but these answers sound like what every middle age white woman would say. ENTERTAIN ME!

Socialist in that Putin thinks government should run industry. Not so much about sharing the rewards with everyone.

It is always great when whataboutism is done in classic style to defend Russia.

Kids are grown up and have nostolgia for their crappy media. Why can't​ we stick to my generation's crappy media?

When I heard the song I liked it better when it was called No More Tears.

Hey every AV article is required to be drenched in snark now. Someone automatically gets fired if there is even a little bit of sincerity.

and most are not 90s.

Yeah the same hardcore Nintendo fans that bought a WiiU. If it wasn't​ for good old Nintendo artificial scarcity lots of systems would be sitting on shelves.

I have other systems and there are some games I would play but not buy a system for. I do think the Switch launch window is weak. I really don't think they are grabbing non-Nintendo fans with the current lineup. I think the selection of Switch games will be very WiiU.

Well the games I want to play on Switch is up to 2. I need at least 7 worth another system for games to buy some hardware. I am sure Nintendo will get there in a couple of years.

I am not getting paid here. It is a suggestion to make the articles more interesting like they used to be.

No covfefe? That's the real problem that needs more attention.

This article needs a list of all the dumb things about Con Air instead of listing the well documented dumb things about Nicolas Cage.

It's the YouTube style where everyone has to yell or nobody will listen. Lots of people making lots of money getting upset over dumb stuff.

He was the funniest thing on that sad show.