
I only saw a half an episode but it seemed like she was doing a bad Leah Remini impression for the show anyway. Just retool it as King of Queens Next Generation.

The opening scene and premise of DAD was great but it goes downhill really fast.

Yep. I have trouble watching modern action movies without getting literally nauseated.

Team Slater. Kelly chose wrong.

Expecting a contrived rationalization but pleasently suprised.

It was more Beyond Thunderdome in that the first half is super boring and gets mildly better in the second half.

I have seen all 6 movies and only the first 2 are worth watching with 5 being the worst. They all have little to do with the games. It just as well as the RE game lore is really dumb. I am interested in a reboot if it stays action but it will probably be a bad horror movie.

I thought she usually gets personal in her comedy. Most of her comedy is just talking about her vagina and poop.

With so much smug media doing well among my fellow liberals I don't think it will hurt it. People love Bill Maher and Samantha Bee.

I hate to ruin this for you but Modelo is owned by Anhieser Busch. AB does such a good job at hiding the fact they own so many cool beers.

I hate these guys but political sites do drop numbers in non election years.

Michael Che always feels his job threatened by those people who can actually read.

I just learned the ex-Gawker sites and The Onion are under the same parent site which explains why the av club is becoming Gawker.

I am guessing you are under 25?

It was actually a trash can provided by NYC Utilities.

She wanted someone passive and weak so as not to upstage her.

It is weird seeing him not being so smug.

Yep. Running with a bulky phone in your pocket sucks.

Intertia was the only thing moving Hillary to the nomination. DNC couldn't take all the hints like her losing in 2008 to a unknown African-American​ and almost losing to a cranky old guy who only had two talking points.

VtK needed more Grace Jones and no Tanya Roberts. Roberts was the worst Bond Girl. VtK has the best song tho.