
Oliver Stone is just the left leaning Alex Jones equivalent.

Missing Super Punch Out. I also really love Super Tennis.

Only wish the Pepsi ad got half the amount of outrage as gay concentration camps in Chechnya.

Alec reserves his yelling for only his younger offspring. Also gay slurs are only for photographers. is a good doc. It really captured the stupidity of the time. Probably better watching it 10 years later with help of hindsight.

I think they are just inserting needless references to politics into every article just to troll us.

Republica - Ready to Go

Also the money made on crap movies made since then which people only pay for because they listen to his podcast and think he is a swell guy.

The problem was that he thought was funny. Maybe he realized he was not?

You don't like the new Gawker format? You will learn to love the Trump snark with clever names for him like Cheeto-in-Chief. Can't stop laughing that. Hahahahahaha.

Every Looper video is "why you don't here from X anymore".

Yeah the older I get the more just pure escapism I need. Older people have gone through enough shit they don't need to watch a movie to feel sad.

2000 was the best. It had the least amount of dumb things Microsoft dropped in the next OS.

The left wing fever for Trump's tax records were so great that it didn't matter it seemed obviously released by Trump for maximum distraction.

Can we still complain that this place is turning into Gawker?

If this lawsuit stops people from Tweeting, I totally support it. Twitter should die.

At this point I think there might be more anti-Scientologist books, movies, and TV than actual Scientologists.

That's​ what cable news does. Most news is boring. CNN trying to jazz it up all the time to ever lower ratings. People are getting even shorter attention spans and consequently less informed because it isn't entertaining enough. My dad is glad Trump got elected because "it keeps things interesting".

Like an angsty 13 year old who just read half of a book by Karl Marx.

I didn't say it was the same and even said it was worse on the right. I feel people just spout "false equivalence" with even a hint that their side is capable of wrongs.