
Maybe it was that every Gawker headline had profanity like a 6th grader trying to be cool?

Yeah same. Gawker didn't die. It just made you read the crazy writings of Hamilton Nolan next to news of the new Samsung S7.

Bush did 9/11, Anti-vaxxers, NASA guy who wears a shirt with ladies, Stephen Colbert is racists to asians, Bill Maher existing, PETA..etc. It happens but less than right wing lunacy.

The "American" has a bad accent. He sounds like a Brit doing an accent.

People have all divided into media that tell them they are correct.

As someone who doesn't get on social media, except for a few select sites like this, I wish I could say I could just ignore these people but the media reports anonymous dick's opinions as "news".

I like that the Hogan family had "twins" played by two people who weren't related and didn't look like each other.

Airwolf got weirdly dark alot. It is like they didn't realize the audience was mostly kids. Had lots of debates as a kid of Blue Thunder vs. Airwolf. Blue Thunder always won because it always took Airwolf 10 minutes of flipping switches to start.

Are we going to just pretend we wouldn't​ all think this is funny if some right wing flag got taken down?

I like how every animated kids movie is the story of someone getting lost and has to find their way home.

I think most people do this kinda of stuff for self satisfaction. If they actually turned someone's opinion it would be less people to look down on.

Apparently you are not familiar with "Lovin' You's a Dirty Job"

Overwatch or Rocket League would get me to buy it. I think the library is going to be sadder than WiiU tho.

I bet they think Playstation games taste great. Stupid fanboys.

You don't think clickbait articles need an article written on them?

2017 - 2
2016 - 0

Unfortunately everything goes dark and gritty.

Apparently you are living with what it should be instead of reality.

Fine throw your vote away. -Kodos

1000X better than Hillary. Oprah has actual charisma. Hillary would've been a good president but she is a terrible candidate. Oprah 2020!