
I agree with this. I don't need to reminded of the horrible thing Trump said on my cross-stitch website. He says something horrible everyday. Can't I learn about embroidery in peace?

People always say "we can do both" but the small social issues takes up all the outrage bandwidth with the larger economic issues always get ignored. People want to believe the smaller issues are the only real problems.

Awful. Makes me actually want to listen Billy Joel instead of this horribleness.

I am glad some else appreciates that underrated movie.

He does people on the street commentary. Still does it despite making millions off of vulturing celebrities with TMZ. Also he is a real lawyer which may explain his lack of a conscience.

Yeah you must be really white to think that is true. You should pay attention to black history this month.

I like more action based games. 3D Land was great but the retreads of tennis, golf, and kart weren't worth the system. Mostly played remakes of Star Fox and Outrun on the thing.

Will pass until a better library comes out if it does. Despite being a frequent traveller that needs portable gaming the 3DS burned me with stale versions of games of Nintendo games I have been playing for 20 years and not much that appealed to me. The 3rd party support is going to be worse than WiiU and 3DS as

It is actually a true point tho.

If I had to describe gaming in 2016 in one word it would be “disappointment”. This year had some excellent games but a lot of games I looked forward to were just underwhelming. VR doesn’t have the mainstream appeal that I think many people were counting on bringing masses back to gaming. The non-phone gaming market

I remember watching and reading similar trite that parents did it in the late 90's and early 2000's. The parents even went to trial over it. I guess since they are dead it is no fun anymore? Gotta blame the kid since he is alive?

Gotta Ratt N' Roll

***Sad beatboxing***

Unfortunately, I have actually heard worst post-Trump hyperbole than this.

Well good thing the Hall of Fame doesn't really matter. Discussions over them have me rolling my eyes. It is like how I have to constantly hear about how Crash never should have won an Oscar. Give it a rest. Who cares?

I always thought it looked like the people who made Christian movies decided to make a movie for atheists.

I wonder what is going to happen on Star? Could one of 3 in the girl group get more popular than the others and start resent and jealousy? Is it just going to steal the entire story of Destiny's Child?

It was great that we got more shooters this year than any other year this generation but still nowhere near as many shooters as previous generations. Played most everything available for PS4 except for Battleborn and Plants vs. Zombies 2 which I hated the betas. Only way to really rank this is to separate

Yoko Ono