
Ana's sleeper dart is mostly useless and I don't even bother. Ana is one of my favorites and I want to play more as her but somebody always wastes the healer being Mercy probably because it is their waifu. Mercy is waste and mostly useless unless paired with a tank. Too many people are locked in on what they want

Monster Jam: Crush It PS4 - This is game is a rip-off at $20. Three types of games: 1) Simulation of arena monster truck racing where the races are literally 10 seconds long. 2) A crappy freestyle mode where you just try to get air as long as possible. 3) A poor Trials like game where your only controls is to

As a gamer who plays 40 hours or so a week, I agree with this so much. I have learned to play games with voice chat off and never go on gaming message boards. Most people on gaming message boards never actually play games.

Is this supposed to be so cringe inducing that I vote for Trump?

You just had to say he was a Reddit poster and we would all know he was probably a terrible human.

A Bastard's Tale (PS4) - If you deconstructed Dark Souls into the basic see this attack coming dodge with this attack it still wouldn't be as bare-bones as this game. Too wonky and unfinished to be worth your time and $5. 3/10

I guess the staff of AV Club, after looking at the comments sections for years, finally realized the content their readers wants is shitty word play and puns.

I wonder if the original director of the 1960 Village of the Damned feels the same way about his 1995 remake. Probably not because he is probably dead.

Yeah most of the time when somebody goes into a rant about hating a band or media (not just not liking) it is about hating a group of people that is more acceptable than directly hating a people. You know when somebody goes on a hate rant about rap music it is just coded to be more social acceptable than just going

I similarly played Overwatch last weekend and with my PSN 20% with the given discount I got it for $40 which is the better price for it. Love the game despite it's unbearable and sometimes repulsive fans. Just amazing how they have so many heroes and most are effective and fun. It is a super casual game you can

Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 [PS4] - I thought this would be just an updated version of the original Championship Edition but it changes so much it is basically a brand new game. At first I was like "uh oh" but then after playing it more I realized it was better. This sequel is better at giving you that buzz of

Is anybody else sad that Smash Mouth only has tepid fans that care enough to ask on Twitter if the guy is OK but not that much into them enough to know the guy's name?

Did funding for the arts cause WWII which actually facilitated the recovery from the Depression?

This is why government funded arts doesn't work. It is always stuff rich white guys like that gets funded.

Only MTV2 I saw was Wonder Showzen and the Andrew WK Show. The Andrew WK Show was some kind of weird anti-comedy where he would put in a situation to make jokes but then he would purposely not makes jokes. It wasn't very entertaining.

I think a more interesting very special episode is when Annette Funicello was on Fantasy Island. Her ventriloquist dummy comes to life in only the creepy weirdness that Fantasy Island could provide.

Henry Rollins - Liar

Deafening drums are the worst subway musicians. Ranking:

With a Wes Anderson movie avatar I am guessing you are in the other side of the culture war. You probably talk about that documentary on coffee among your friends. Just attribute the audience to the "flyover state" people and be done with it.

So we don't have a choice and voting is a pointless exercise. Gotcha.