I had the exact same response as this person to seeing her name everywhere this morning. Guhhhhhh.
I had the exact same response as this person to seeing her name everywhere this morning. Guhhhhhh.
I like to think that she meant “the reality is that women making themselves attractive is perceived as an invitation to harrass/assault etc. Women know this which is why we do the calculus around what we wear around whom etc. The world shouldn’t be this way but it is.” But she might have just meant short skirts =…
All shall love me and despair!
One of my company’s core values is “InnovACT.” *shudder*
“We need to operationalize our deliverables.” “Find out their ask.” “Formulate a Success Plan, and be sure to include your research piece, your action piece, and your review piece. Add your pain points and potential wins as well.” That last one was said to me just last week.
To me, the worst is acronyms and abbreviations that mean something else outside of business.
“Just as a reminder...” about anything you are telling me for the first time ever. Just don’t, OK?
If I have to choose between Zuckerberg/Clooney or four more years of Donald Trump, my vote is going to medically induced coma.
Saying something is “value add” instead of saying it will add value?
Holy Christ you people have it easy. None of this means anything, it’s just palaver.
Look, I get where you’re coming from. But cutting all these buzzwords from our lexicon is too big an ask. It doesn’t pass the laugh or smell tests.
My office insists on using the word “strategery” for their weekly staff meetings among others. We already have a reputation of being the most unintelligent office and it doesn’t help when we’re using a made-up word that was originally meant as a political joke.
No more Boomer presidents.
No, no, a big bucket of no. Can we please have some fresh candidates who are untainted by their baggage from 2016 and who aren’t two thousand year old white men? We are not going to win with Bernie. He needs to sit the fuck down.
My biggest issue with him is that he likes to propose huge solutions that sound great at first, but he never quite gets around to explaining how he will get those solutions implemented or how they will be paid for. He’s entirely unserious when it comes to the actual job of governing.
I’m an OU grad.