The allegations have been out for over a year. He won the election after 16 women accused him of sexual assault. If he was going to face consequences for this, it would have happened already.
Our current right to work yourself to death model is fucked. I literally worked myself into disability in grad school. Baby boomers are completely insane when it comes to health care. Completely.
Yeah, I knew this ‘opioid crisis’ rhetoric was manufactured bullshit from the beginning. Politicians can call it whatever they want but they will never, ever hold the big pharmaceutical corporations who created it in the first place accountable. Like the ‘crack epidemic’ in the 80s, this is ultimately about profit and…
I know. Any I am anyone.
What you are describing is very typical.
Especially white underwear. And I don’t even wear body makeup.
Whenever you sneeze I will reply with “Really, it’s come to this?”
Well, I don’t know how much Trump realizes it, but the people in his administration know it for sure. When Pence was governor of Indiana, there was a major HIV outbreak in Scott County due to opioid addiction and the prohibition of needle exchanges. And I believe most of the people affected were poor whites. He needed…
Part of the problem is that opioids are the WORST thing to give to people with cornic pain because of how the body reacts to it. It’s highly addictive along with having that building tolerance to it that forces the individual to keep the doses climbing.
And then there are people who are depressed and anxious who tried the trial-and-error method with antidepressants only to find it didn’t do shit but they know that a pill will make them happier, more productive people in twenty minutes.
My brother-in-law and his wife are Trumpers. Rich Trumpers who live in a small town and like to “help out.” They helped the local Mexican restaurant owner by giving him business, catering, etc. and when his wife finally came over to join him, they were kind to her, too. When I was visiting and met them, I said to my…
I’m an EMT, married to an EMT. I haven’t been on a truck for a few months because my bipolar is kicking my butt, but he has. ODs have tripled - TRIPLED - in the last year. We’re having trouble stocking enough narcan, which is a problem because we’ve also had a few accidental ODs from cops and providers coming into…
And, it’s bonkers how elderly people at the golf courses trade them & pass them around like candy!
You know how some people have, like, a unique smell in their houses that is kind of mildly unpleasant (this happens a lot with people with dogs), but how if you’re there for a while you get used to it. And you know the owners don’t even recognize their house has kind of a weird, slightly unpleasant smell. Because it’s…
I will tell my roommate that his dead exboyfriend should have just read a leaflet. I’ll call up my childhood best friend and tell her that her brother should have watched a PSA and he would still be alive. I’ll let everyone in my town know that our national reputation from the 90s as a black tar heroin epicenter could…
I just want to be the voice of reason and say that “Just say no” works. I didn’t do any marijuanas in the 80's.
A friend of mine recently got married and played “Kissing You”, “When You Say Nothing at All”, and “Today Was a Fairytale” during her ceremony. It confirmed my suspicions that this was less about specifically wanting to marry this guy and more just about finally getting the wedding she had been dreaming of since she…